Can i use this light?


Well-Known Member
Right now i have two girls still in the beginning of their flowering stage, their only under a 150w HPS.

But i have a 125w cfl (6400k) that i use to use for veg a long time ago, would it be worth putting in the tent along with the hps for flowering?

or would the 6400k bulb be useless during flowering?


i would say go for it,more light the better right? and with cfls its recomended to mix both anyways, cant hurt anything!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Right now i have two girls still in the beginning of their flowering stage, their only under a 150w HPS.

But i have a 125w cfl (6400k) that i use to use for veg a long time ago, would it be worth putting in the tent along with the hps for flowering?

or would the 6400k bulb be useless during flowering?
fuck i use moveable clip lamps with 24watt cfls to increase light round my lower limbs.

more light = more growth = more dope

and cfls dont make too much heat so the can slip right in without cooking your plants.


Well-Known Member
I guess ill hook it up as soon as my rope ratchets get here today :D this should be easy cause the cfl has a wing reflector of its own, i could hang it side by side with the hps cause my plants are both training through a screen so the more light on top the better i suppose??

the cfl is a 125w Hydrofarm Fluorowing by the way :p


Active Member
I just responded to your other post....just wondering what your exhaust and air movement setup is. I had a similar idea of running with a 250 then I went to the local hydro store and the price point on a 250 and 400 is not much and it will produce much better for you....just going to have to worry about getting heat out. What temps you running now with your current setup?


Well-Known Member
I just responded to your other post....just wondering what your exhaust and air movement setup is. I had a similar idea of running with a 250 then I went to the local hydro store and the price point on a 250 and 400 is not much and it will produce much better for you....just going to have to worry about getting heat out. What temps you running now with your current setup?
right now my air movement and exhaust is only two 80mm PC fans, one at the bottom of the tent pushing in, one at the top blowing out.

temps are running around 78 - 83 (ambient room temp is around 72)