Can I Use This CFL?


Active Member
actually it doesn't clog drainage because before i put the soil in i mad 4 foot holes about 1 centimeter in diamter down into the ground. then i put the soil in, then clay on top.


Active Member
No. You can't grow with 1,750 lumens. You can grow decent plants with 5,000 - 7,000 lumens that is if you only want to yeild a half ounce, but your goal is 10,000 lumens like 420 said. If you wanna grow, then you need to spend some money on it. You can't just buy one lightbulb and expect to yeild 3 ounces. Buy 6 or seven of those and your good.


Active Member
Ok, thats about 7,000 lumens,which is goodfor about 3 weeks,then get like 3 more so you can have a decent yeild. Good job, keep toking! PEACE! After about 3 weeks transplant your herb to a 5 gallon bucket, so it won't get root bound. I just use those home depot ones. Hopefully its a female, with beautiful flowers.