can i use somthing other then nutes?


Well-Known Member
we have some plants that are about48 days old and they are having alot of problems ....the leaves are turning yellow and hard and starting to fall off.
the new growth is nice and green but it only stays that way for 2 days then they do the same thing.
someone told me to start nutes so i did and it got worse ...then someone else told me to stop them ASAP because they were to little ...and its mine and my boyfriends first i was wondering if there was something else i could use for it ? i have heard of stuff called fish something or other im not sure the name of it and also im not sure if you can only use it in soil because i have a hydro grow any advice would be great....and if there is somthing i missed just ask and i will repost thank you for all the help
oh i will take new pics as soon as i get my cam back today


Well-Known Member
How close are your lights to the plant and whats the temperature in the grow area. What kind of bulb are you using, your not using halogen are you? Make sure your water is PH'd to 5.5-6.5. If theyre 48 days old they shouldnt be too small for nutes. Try flushing them with plain water.


Well-Known Member
your ph should be between 5.2 and 5.8 for hydro.......definitely under 6.0 other than that, I agree with gigglepimp. they should be getting nutes by that age. flush out the medium, and start over with a fresh rez, but only using a 1/2 strength to make sure that you don't burn them, if that seems to not be burning them, you can make it a little stronger. also need to know the temp, what type of lights and the distance from the plant it is. what are the nutes you have that made it worse?


Well-Known Member
Sorry my bad on the ph not 100% on hydro. Its probably either nute burn, ph problems or heat stress?

yep, thats my guess.......and no biggy on the ph thing, I know I try and help people with soil shit and then get schooled when the actual soil growers find the thread.


Well-Known Member
we are useing 8 -26w (100 eq). cfl's the tems stays between 75 and 78
the water is always ph at 5.8 also the nutes we gave are gh floragrow 1'4 strength and we did that for a couple of days and they got worse so we stopped useing them.
the lights are about an inch and a half away from the plant and we have a fan on to keep them cool. we are also using peat pellets in hydroton i couldn't find rockwool anyplace at the time but we just bought some about a week ago or so and i cant seem to get anything sprouting out of the im getting so down about this im failing miserably my boyfriend tells me 2 keep my head up but I cant even KEEP MY PLANTS UP!
I read alot but cant figure out the prob..... we appreciate all the help
thanxs guys


Well-Known Member
Well it sounds like you have PH under control as well as the temp. It wont hurt to have the lights further away as that could well be the problem. Erm to be honest im not entirely sure what else it could be. The fact the leaves are drying out insinuates that its a burn of sorts. It sounds similar to a problem i had with my plants and that turned out to be heat stress and burn. I wish i could be more help i really do :(


Well-Known Member
Ever since these sprouts were about 14 days old, they started to not grow as much, then eventually just stopped altogether. I pulled a few other plants that we had planted the same time as these. I noticed on those plants that the roots were very small,... just barely poking out of the starter pellets we had them in. So I'm wondering if there is any kind of specific additive or nutrient that maybe I can give to the remaining plants. Maybe to stimulate root growth or something.? Maybe thats the problem of why the plants look like shit.? You know, "small roots, small plants"? I have some rooting hormone for the clones that i WAS going to have, obviously not now but, I didn't think that would be the thing to use.


Well-Known Member
Erm it probably wont hurt to mix some root hormone into the water solution or add some to some PH'd water and poor it over the base of the plants so it goes directly through the roots. There has been lots of experimentation with adding root hormone to plants on this website with various results. So yeah that may help. But i'm not sure why your roots have stunted growth. How warm is the water? Do you have an airrock in your water? Hopefully ORECAL will be back on here soon as im sure he could shed some light on this. Sorry im not much help i am on my first grow as well.


Well-Known Member
thank you we appreciate all the advice and also i was wondering if anyone had heard of the alaskin fish stuff i was asking about before i heard you could use it for nutes and you wont get nute burn it was supposed to be high in nitrogen or something not to sure just trying to find out and also i wasent sure if it was just for soil


Well-Known Member
ok so we found the alaskin fish fertilizer we have been looking for and we used it last night and we also got some new white poster board and a humidifier and already things are looking a little better !
thanx 4 all the help


Well-Known Member
whats the humidity in the room? you shouldn't need the humidifier right now...... it's starting to get more humid outside.


Well-Known Member
Sorry i havent been much help. I looked into the fish ferts you referred to and have read good reviews on them. Glad to hear that theyre appearing better now! Hopefully theyl come around in no time.


Well-Known Member
We just looked on line for another hygrometer ours just broke :( but it did perk up after i had it on .....i did not keep it on very long and its not on now and im giveing it the fish nute.s 2 timess a day for now & it looked a little better over night! I really hope it works ...any suggestions?????
whats the humidity in the room? you shouldn't need the humidifier right now...... it's starting to get more humid outside.


Well-Known Member
two times a day? thats a bit excessive isnt it? I mean i dont grow in hydro but dont you usually change the tank every couple of days at least?


Well-Known Member
so, after I last posted about the little ladies they started perking up. they look better than I have ever seen them so far. they are much bigger and a darker green. im just afraid of what will happen when i start giving them nutes again. or WHEN i should start again?


Well-Known Member
Thats great news :) Erm leave it for now, some strains dont need much nutes at all which is why they burn so easily. I found this out with my plants recently. I would leave it for a week or so at least. Then slowly start adding some but in very small amounts. Your best bet is to not go for the full strength they recommend for a while if at all. If they show signs of burn again then flush with plain water again :) Good luck and great news about your plants!


Well-Known Member
Thats great news :) Erm leave it for now, some strains dont need much nutes at all which is why they burn so easily. I found this out with my plants recently.
Thanks Pimp...I didn't know that some strains require more nutes than others. I just thought they all needed the's advice like this, that really helps me out. you can't READ that stuff in here...