Ive been spraying now for about 2-3 weeks. every 4-6 days with just a light mist a few times in front of the fans. Doesnt seem to knock em all out but seems to cut em back about 90%. Im thinkin thats pretty damn good. I think this might be a really effective non used method to get rid of these lil fuks.lol. Let me know how it works for you. My plants seem to be very non effected by its use. The other thing I think these white flies dont like is hella wind. ive been pumbling my plants with it with this thought in mind.
Im still using it. Plants still seem uneffected which is what i wanna see but their always are afew servivers. Im thinkin a couple here and there is ok. Alot Bad Bad.
i made a mistake and since my babies were on 24/0 they got no rest period for the sulfur in that product to dry without burning leaves so yes it works but make sure you do it during lights off or take them away from the light for like 20-30 min to dry