Can I use my Grow and Bloom cannibus nutrients for vegetables??!


Well-Known Member
I am growing some tomatoes and peppers in my down time. I don't really know anything about growing vegetables but I can grow cannibus. Can I use my organic grow and bloom nutes on vegetables. I assume the feeding process would be the same?


Well-Known Member
I don't see why not, or instead of wasting your grow shit on them, why not go get a cheap box of MG tomato and veg food?
I DO know though, don't waste your time vegging them for 2 weeks to see what will happen......
Jack Shit.
I got a batch of 49 day radishes, now at about 65 days, and still not normal size.


Well-Known Member
you can use most any nutes you want for just about anything you want as long as you know what the plant needs.. N.P.K Is in all fertilizers unless its a straight nitrogen or potassium or magnesium.. the numbers in the order 10-10-10 is a basic and just go more bloom on fruits or flowers other then that nitrogen is the main.. especially tomato's

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Yeah. You can also use your veggie/garden fertilizer pot.

...It's almost like they're made with the same stuff.... Weird... I wonder why one costs so much more......


Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
It. IS. ALLLLLLLL. SALT. the same. anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something or is defending there childish and impulsive 700$ purchase of water and salt. I dont take advice from either. Do your research. Its the same.