Can i harvest half my plant that broke?

so i am in the begining of the 4th week of flowering. i tried to tie my plant down more and it snapped in half. I cut it then and tried to replant it with Greenlight Rooting but its just weeping, its been planted for about 4 days. so would it be worth my time to try to harvest the broke half only in the 4th week of flowering?:weed:


Had the same thing happen about a month ago. I taped the broken stem up then added a splint trimmed some leaves above the break and it seems to being doing well. Not sure that harvesting after 4 weeks of flowering would produce good medicine and doubt that it will re-root easily. So i guess the best thing to do would be harvest.


You should have let it be. I snap all my plants cuz they were getting to tall in the 5th week of flowering they all came back they all will so next time just give them overnight and they will be facing back up to the light....