Can i get some guidance?


Active Member
Hey everybody, i'm a huge noob to growing, any kind of plant really. I've never gardened before in my life, but i am starting up a grow.

I just wanted to say that i germinated the seed in a plastic cup *it sat in darkness for around 30 hours, then i checked it out and it sank to the bottom.

So i read on another site that once it sinks to the bottom your ready to put it in some soil.

So i followed the instructions on what to do and i put it in a solo cup filled with miracle grow...Now thats the same soil i'll be using when i transfer the plant into the big pot...I bought everything brand new from home depot, I have a light fixture hanging from the ceiling in my closet, with a OTT-LITE Natural Light supplement bulb...(i was browsing at home depot and a mid 20's guy came up to me and asked what i was growing, and when i had no answer he knew what it was immedietly, and it came to be that he was growing as well and told me this light would work fine.)

So anyways i have a fan in the closet as well to get air circulated around in there, and i have an a/c blowing from my window so that will probably help with some fresh air...

I have a timer on for 18 hours light, 6 hours darkness.

Now my question is: I just put the seed in the soil around 12 hours ago, so i wont be able to see anything poking out until how many days?

I researched and found that it could take up to 11 days, but thats not an average time. I just want to make sure that my grow WILL be starting up and its not a dud because of something i did wrong.

For the water, i use a spray bottle, and i also have a question on that as well....It says to keep the soil moist, and with the light on top of the cup, the soil looks to dry out pretty fast, but in reality the soil under the top is still moist, correct?

i just want my plant to have a heathy life and to come out of this first grow knowing a lot more and to smoke some bomb herb that i grew MYSELF!

***I've been researching up on numerous websites, and this post is just for your opinions and advice for a noob grower, so keep the flaming to yourself**

Pics of the setup will be taken tonight!
Post some later.



Killa Man

Well-Known Member
Wassup bud I sympathize with you cuz im a noob myself but ive been around growers for the past 6 years. In six years i never heard the method of germinating u just described. First of all, dont plant the seed unless you see the tap root (little white root that busts out of the shell while germinating). Second of all switch your method up. I got my germinating method from my buddy and its usually pretty effective although i've been waiting for these last batch of seeds to sprout for like the last week! HERES MY EXPERT METHOD lol....

Get a couple sheets of paper towels and put em on top of each other...spread the seeds around then fold the paper towel up by fourths and spray it with water..heres what makes my set up expert...put the square folded paper towel containing the watered seed into an empty cd case and make sure its closed tight..then just hide away in a dark warm spot..this will work ...if not....there different methods...but make sure you wait till it busts out the shell before planting it...hope this helpd


Active Member
it'll be from 1-4days or so before you see a sprout. idk about those lights never heard of them.

You probably have low humidity if the soil is drying out like that. a spray bottle is great not too much though/.


Active Member
Yeah, thanks i've got another seed germinating how you said, but the other one was already planted...

Trial and ERROR!

Thanks for your reply.


Well-Known Member
im with killa Man, just use paper towels im not an expert yet (on my 2nd grow) but the paper towel method works except i use a glass. wrap your seeds on a damped paper towel..fill the glass with a bit of water place towel over the water and place the glass in a dark place..3 days later you'll see roots coming out of the seed..once you see a root simple plant the seed :D water it and wait 4-5 days and u'll see a nice lil plant developing.. try it its worked for me 100% of the time i germinated 6 seeds and they all gave roots and all females =)


Active Member
Cool, got pics of your grow?

And btw, does my setup sound ok to grow a plant?

any additions, and also i've been wondering about nutrients..i have no clue which to buy or if i even need any.


Active Member
Cool, got pics of your grow?

And btw, does my setup sound ok to grow a plant?

any additions, and also i've been wondering about nutrients..i have no clue which to buy or if i even need any.
Check out the local hydro store, if no hydro store then, the nursery, then Lowe's.

if lowe's is the las resort the have some okay veg nutes, Peter's all purpose is the best they got.


Well-Known Member
yeah i have 1 pic on my cellphone its like a week old, im still waiting for my mylar to arrive(ordered from ebay) i have 6 cfls in total but you can only see 2 of them which can be moved up and down the other 4 are at the top of the box


Well-Known Member
from what i read, you dont really need nutes at early stages specially if you're using miracle grow.. im also using miracle grow on mines (cheapest and easiest to find) i dont use any nutes but im planning on using them during flowering process


Active Member
alright, thanks for all the help guys!
Hopefully i can get my plant underway here with the seed im germinating...

*so the seed i planted in the soil that was on the bottom of the cup, that one wont sprout?*

There was no root or anything showing.