Can Autoflowers be used in Super Soil?


Active Member
As it is or does SS need to be adjusted due to the nutrient requirements of autos? I have tried to find an answer and have been able to.



Well-Known Member
Why not start your autos in something milder and transplant after a couple of weeks when they are stronger......having no experience with SS, I would take precautions.....


Well-Known Member
They can be, but they don't live as long as other plants, and most of their life is in bloom. With that in mind, you can also adjust it, add some more high P guano, or soft rock phosphate, otherwise you should be fine.


Active Member
Sounds good. Thanks for the replies. How much high p(jamaican) guano would you say should be added? I was thinking about making a tea with it and adding it in the flowering/bloom state..



Well-Known Member
Well, to be totally honest, I think you would be fine if you just used it as is, it's been proven to take you through a veg and bloom phase, so autos shouldn't be any different even if there isn't much veg... either way, so that you don't over do it, what about just top dressing with some guano?

Teas also help greatly.


Active Member
Yea, I'll have to see how they react when added.. I'll add sparingly if at all. I was hoping that they SS wouldn't be too hot for the autoflowers. I figured I'd add 1/2 SS and 1/2 roots so they autoflowers will have more time to grow into the SS.



Active Member
u think that a 7 gallon pot would be overkill for them or should i just use a 3 gallon pot(common size with autos) with super soil in the bottom half?



I'm not sure that is completely true, it really depends on the strain and conditions.

But, I have found despite their short growth period that autos can produce surprisingly large and strong root systems and 5 gallon pots(vs. 3 gallon) have definitely increased my yields per plant(don't know about per sq ft though) and since space doesn't seem to be an issue if he is thinking about 7 gallon pots he might want to do 5 gallons(or some of each to see the results).

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
i plan on running some auto's in SS, using 7 gallon smart pots. my plan is to put SS in the bottom 1/3 and then a few inches of a medium hot mix (1:1) of my base soil roots organic and SS . I will probably then place a 3 gallon plastic potter in the center to hold the space, while i fill the edge with SS. I then take the 3gal plastic pot out and fill the core of my 7 gallon pot with more loose base soil, roots organics, to foster the seedling.

after that, i just plan on watering every 5 days with 2 gallons of water over the course of the next 65 days.


Well-Known Member
It could be considered overkill to use 7gal, only because you don't NEED it. The roots will use but you can still get similar results will less. I've never gone over 3gal with autos and I usually get very high yields. I don't think those yields would increase dramatically if I used a bigger pot. keep in mind, autos already have a predetermined life, as in, you can't veg them for a long time to increase yield...

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
what would you define " high yields ". Auto's notoriously produce 1 oz of dry bud per plant give or take 7 grams. and yes, i was able to produce that with a 3gal plastic pot as well. Any who - its worth a shot for me to go big with the 7 gallon.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
Also, there is no way that any additional anything as far as nutes, should be added for autos. the ss has it all, if not too much N.


Well-Known Member
100_7567.jpgI have a Dinafem Roadrunner in some SS right now and so far so good. What I did was start em out in a small pot(20oz?) bout the size of a party cup and after it grew to the 3rd node and had some nice big leaves I cut out the bottom and planted the small pot right into a bigger pot(3L) with pure SS except for the top 2 inches which are buffered with soil/perlite/SS mixed. I am hoping it is enough to feed it if not I will use some top dressing.