Can anyone tell me what this is?

jordan wead

Well-Known Member
image.jpgCouple of the leafs on the bottom of my plant look like that, it feels crispy to the touch. Also, they are in bagged tga base/super soil. Anyone know what I should do?

jordan wead

Well-Known Member
I've been balancing the water at 6.4-6.6, and the run off is testing right about that. I don't think it's the ph. I've never done a super soil grow before. I've never seen this on any of my plants.


Well-Known Member
Scope both sides of your leaves to check for pests. Not sure that is what it is, but good to rule it out if you can.


Well-Known Member
If its on the bottom then I would go with you accidentally hit the leaves with water when you watered it with nutrients. Same thing happened to me.

jordan wead

Well-Known Member
image.jpgimage.jpgI can't see any bugs, but I am going to go ahead and spray. And I don't use nutrients, just water. I'm just not sure why a few leafs near the bottom look like that.

jordan wead

Well-Known Member
Or maybe it could be that I've got the plants inside of a tent and they aren't smashed together, but they do touch, maybe that is whats making them droopy. Also, I got some neem oil. It says to mix in some soap with it, should I skip that, or do as the instructions say?


Well-Known Member
Or maybe it could be that I've got the plants inside of a tent and they aren't smashed together, but they do touch, maybe that is whats making them droopy. Also, I got some neem oil. It says to mix in some soap with it, should I skip that, or do as the instructions say?
take more pics............. what are ya gonna do w neem oil?


Well-Known Member
im w ya............even tho you changed your response and I had to click like thing he can do for that plant is ride it out........ maybe water less...........

jordan wead

Well-Known Member
image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpgimage.jpgThe last picture shows a upper leaf curling in on itself. Just not sure what's going on here. And neem oil is an organic bug repellant.

jordan wead

Well-Known Member
Also, I water them once every 4-5 days, they are in 5 gallon smart pots, and they get about a gallon each. That sound about right, I don't think they need less water than that?