Can anyone help me with a cloning question?


Active Member
Hi everyone, to make a long story short; I usually only grow one big ass plant a year. Well, I left her out in the middle of the lawn and accidentally turned the sprinklers on so the water weight broke off one of the branches. I wanted to keep a clone off this plant anyway so I cut the stem at an angle, cut off all the little branches comming off the bottom section of the branch, then I put the same nutrient mix I was giving to the plant in a cup of water and put the clone in the cup. It's been there for 3 or 4 days now and I wanted to know when I should put it into some soil. Should I wait until I can see roots coming out of the bottom of it or what? Thanks for the help guys:?:


Active Member
It can't stay in a cup of water forever. you could plant it in a cup and maybe put it in a shady spot for a week or 2. within 2-4 weeks it will either be nice and healthy or dead and withered. If it dies, try vitamin b1 or some clonex solution or rooting powder next time.


Active Member
Try rooting powder or you can put it in a cup that has holes in the bottom, filled with vermiculite or perlite and you sit that in a bigger cup of water. No nutrients and you'll see roots in 6-14 days.


Active Member
I've cloned every way I can think of. Slowly simplifying the process. Now I just cut and stick in a cup of soil prewatered with a bit of superthrive to help it on its way once tiny roots start to grow. Then place an old baggie on the top of the cup. Let em breathe once a day for a minute. Roots sticking out the bottom in 2 weeks every time. Rooting powder/gel isn't necessary. Neither is superthrive. You can even bend and bury a branch still connected to the plant and in a few weeks just cut the branch away and it will already have roots formed. You just have to make sure the soil in packed tight around the stem so it doesn't dry out too quickly. I have no idea about it sitting in a cup of water. I think roots need a bit of air to form properly. Maybe it you had an air stone in there. Should of through it in some soil right away.


Well-Known Member
I clone by just making my cuttings, putting the in a labeled by strain cup of RO water, dip them in rooting gel and stick them in a dirt plug. From there they go into a cloning dome with a RO water and light veg nutes under a 24" T5 light for about 10-15 days. By day 10 all clones have at least 2-3 inches of roots. I keep the vents in the doom closed and I dont mess with the clones at all for those 10 days. I have yet to loose a clone.