Can a wetting agent damage your plants?


Well-Known Member
Greasemonkey, you just hit on one of the things I have said for years. Growing pot is EASY! Just get a good book and study a little, or study this site, also there's a ton of stuff online. And there is no way I could place a value on being able to ask questions of so many growers as on here. However, I think so many people nowadays treat it like a video game or something and think, "If a little is good then more is better"! Or they over-complicate it. My first respectable grow after many attempts was due to a book by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal I picked up in '78. It really simplified things. Also, you are right about experience. Anyone who has gardened and raised vegetables has a leg up, and of course, years of growing cannabis teaches one a lot. Of course, I say all this from the perspective of a dirt farmer having never tried hydroponics. I even did indoor grows with dirt. I learned two valuable lessons from that. Never partner, and never bring a plant in from outside, spider mites are a bitch to get rid of.
You know it's funny how some of the cah-razy juicy frostiest buds are coming out of little old ladies' gardens here in Colorado these days... right between the roses and the zucchini.


Well-Known Member
Azamax is a complete formulation, there is no need to add anything to it because the manufacturer knows it's an oil and has already added emulsifiers. Just use warm water and shake well before and during application.

You want a knockout punch for spidermites and rust mites? Add 60ml of Azamax to a gallon sprayer with Floramite or Avid at label strength. The Azamax acts as an extender and makes the pesticide more effective.

1. NEVER spray this in bloom!
2. Mix and use it immediately, it won't keep
3. Wear productive gear, including a good filtered mask
4. Do it twice, a week to ten days apart and if you're reasonably thorough you've just wiped them out.


Well-Known Member
my wetting agent is 2 drops ivory dish soap in a 1 liter 360 spray bottle...and to kill them dead we use SNS217