Can a plant get rootbound...


Well-Known Member
Ive heard people say that a plant will grow big and a yeild wont be too damaged if you use smaller pots. Is this true.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Sure the plant will get root bound..... i would go with like 2 gallon smallest but all depends on how big you want your plants i personally use 4 gallon


Well-Known Member
there was a thread about this already and they said its not possible for a plant to get rootbound(or very difficult atleast). Try and type it in the search bar

Brick Top

New Member
Ive heard people say that a plant will grow big and a yeild wont be too damaged if you use smaller pots. Is this true.:confused:
Yes it is true, it is VERY true but for some reason many people here just do not believe it and say it is just fine to grow in small pots.


Root-bound is where the roots of your plant outgrow the container they are contained in.

The following symptoms may be observed if you allow your plants to become root-bound:

  1. Stunted Growth.
  2. Stretching.
  3. Smaller and slower bud production.
  4. Needs watering too often.
  5. Easy to burn with low % nutrient solution mixtures.
  6. Wilting.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana can be severely root bound because their roots grow tremendously long vertically. Its a good idea to not go below one gallon pots or else you will see very stressed and stunted mj plants. IF you are growing a very small plant that autoflowers, then its not too bad to have a small pot, usually if the plant grows taller than a foot you will need almost 1 cubic feet displaced pot soil, or just go hydro and usually dont have many problems with root bounding when using air and nutrient water as your medium.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana can be severely root bound because their roots grow tremendously long vertically. Its a good idea to not go below one gallon pots or else you will see very stressed and stunted mj plants. IF you are growing a very small plant that autoflowers, then its not too bad to have a small pot, usually if the plant grows taller than a foot you will need almost 1 cubic feet displaced pot soil, or just go hydro and usually dont have many problems with root bounding when using air and nutrient water as your medium.
look at the pictures above your post :)
I can easily veg my plants in plastic cups for 3 weeks, they could probably go even longer, its just a hassle to water em that often


New Member
look at the pictures above your post :)
I can easily veg my plants in plastic cups for 3 weeks, they could probably go even longer, its just a hassle to water em that often

how often do you need to water?

I've heard that 1 gallon, 1 foot, 2 gallon 2 foot and so on 1 gallon per foot of desired plant. I use containers of <1 up to 5 gallons and the ones in the smaller containers are much smaller plants. the plants in 3 gals have skinnier stems than the 5 gals, and are just slightly smaller. I wish I had more space they could get so much bigger than 3 feet, but thats what I'm aiming for


Well-Known Member
Sorry to say it but every grower who grows in soil knows that the bigger the pot you use the bigger the root system the bigger the yeiled don't let anyone tell you differant.the plants in the picture are big but the yeiled will be far smaller than if he would have used a bigger pot.the only way of growing a large yeiled in a small containe is hydrophonics/areoponics.fuck me my clones are in bigger pots the light have been kept too high off these plants thats why the internode are so far of my nugs would pull that plant over.don't tell newbies shit or they will have pitty full yeilds use the largest pot possible.Rather than grow several plants in small pots like the ones in the pictures above you would have got a better yeiled of 1 plant in a big big container but something else to learn of the pictures above is keep your lights inces off the tops.Have the fan on your light so air will keep the heat of the light down.I'M SORRY TO TALK ABOUT YOUR PLANTS BUT YOU ARE TELLING THIS GUY SH@T SO HOPEFILLY YOU WILL USE BIGGER POTS AND HAVE THE LIGHTS CLOSER TOO THEN THE YEILED WILL INCREASE 100%.


New Member
lol I think I agree, it does just make sense. I think you CAN use small containers, but you will regret it. The amount of water, thus nutrients, retained in the soil is much less as well as the surface area absorption of the root structure. use at least a gallon up to however large you want..


Well-Known Member
lol I think I agree, it does just make sense. I think you CAN use small containers, but you will regret it. The amount of water, thus nutrients, retained in the soil is much less as well as the surface area absorption of the root structure. use at least a gallon up to however large you want..
Wow i kinda started a war lol. Well im prob going to step it up to 4 gallon food rated containers like the five gallon buckets from home depot except square. And i didn't even think about how much cheaper going hydro is. No soil no pots way easyer. Thanks for all the input everone.:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
have you tried this vs a bigger container randy? more soil's gotta produce a better plant w/bigger buds

i've always heard 1 gal per month alive


Well-Known Member
have you tried this vs a bigger container randy? more soil's gotta produce a better plant w/bigger buds

i've always heard 1 gal per month alive
The soil is just a sponge

same age (I transplant the best so that is the diff).

I have tried with all my strains.

The only advanage and it's big is less times a day watering.

those cups are 3x per day, the 6" (1 gallon) pots are 1x per day.

todays pic

it's hard to see but all are about the same. strain #1