Cambodians pftek


Well-Known Member
Popped 5 cakes out. Pins already starting inside the jars. It was hell to get a couple of them out to. Anyway they went straight into my preasure cooker full of room temp water. I submerged them with a steamer rack and cup full of water to hold them down. I may be pickin some boomers by this weekend.20160307_171047_HDR.jpg20160307_171112_HDR.jpg20160307_172213_HDR.jpg20160307_172655_HDR.jpg20160307_173134_HDR.jpg


Well-Known Member
Cakes we removed from their 24 hour soak, rolled in vermiculite, and placed into the shotgun fruiting chamber. For the moment i placed the tub atop 4 empty jars to keep air flow underneath for good fae. I will fabricate something better than jars when i have some free time.20160309_220623_HDR.jpg20160309_220700_HDR.jpg20160309_220712_HDR.jpg


Well-Known Member
The mycilium has started to consume the vermiculite rolled onto the cakes. They are looking healthy. I have a few nice mushrooms growing but i expext to see some good pin sets soon.
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