Calling any true muslims


Well-Known Member
Look, my dire question here is that after only reading a few posts on this thread, WHY ARE YOU HERE? MUSLIMS SIMPLY DO NOT CONDONE SMOKING. Did I mention Muhammad stated they are to follow the rules of the land?
<<<As I said...don't get me started.
I thought that muslims smoked hash. WTF?


Well-Known Member
Hey Babs, I don't think that the "Jesus Christ" that the Church and pretty much most of Christianity is pushing on people is the real Christ. I honestly believe he was dark skin colored it says it in Revelations. Btw Sand said his beliefs were 100% but not his actions, no one is perfect but he is a really nice guy, don't know why you had to jump all over him like that.
Bob...please do note my very first 2 words posting here..."no offense"
I, by no means, ever attempt to BE offensive to any single person in life, yet the truth is very fragile for many. I avoid being harsh like the plague and I also must mention first and foremost, that I do not believe in delving too deeply upon the subject of world religion/God/Yaweh.....and then there is "allah." Understand, they are NOT the same proven via the quran. The quran itself states, "We worship not who you worship." It has been a very long time since I have been able to just "pull up" the surah. Know I am not about to go there. Had I been visiting a religous forum, I'd of been prepared to do so. Know also that I spent so many COUNTLESS hours studying islam on so many realms. I don't believe I've studied anything as much as I have islam.
I didn't exactly expect to stumble upon this forum, "yet" sooner did I stumble upon it only to find what I have found time and time again<<<no comment>>> I choose not to elaborate upon that for good reason.
The fact is that it is an insult to an Arab to be referrred to as a sand monkey. It's no different than a gay man in this forum referring to themselves as "faggot."
The truth is simply that my skin just crawls when I see anyone, partiucularly an American---who has been given the CHOICE to have eyes in which to see or be blind. Islam has an agenda within this country whereas the vast majority of Americans are led with that blind eye.....politically and otherwise.
Your noting Jesus was not white prompts me to believe you are very well black?......correct me if I am wrong. You will never find me dispute that Christ had dark skin. But......what was your point in stating that? (BTW, google what Mohammad refers to blacks as....I'm not going there.
As ANC stated, islam has its prophecies that are in fact coming to fruition.....yet they will never acknowlege that has been done already VIA THE BIBLE. No matter how many times you prove it to a muslim either, they will just conveniently "change the subject." It's brainwashing in its rarest form. Children in islamic countries actually....and I do mean LITERALLY MEMORIZE THE QURAN.
Now, know......regardless as to whether or not you read it in arabic or ANY other language......IT SAYS THE SAME THING.
Do not ever foolishly allow a muslim to convince you of otherwise! Righteously God WOULD IN DEED have you do. Allah would have you KILLED for merely questioning, ok?.....that's in the quran BTW.
Also Bob, if you are truly giving any credence whatsoever in the allah of the quran, you should STUDY the quran in its entirety.....not believe simply what an iman portrays it to mean TO you. The quran does NOT prophecy of Christians and muslims "coming together." That is a reference to only those who come to accept mohammad as the last prophet.
And yes, in answer to your question of what you heard.....yes, it's VERY easy to "become" a muslim. One must simply recite the shahada.
It is THE most important pillars of faith.
"There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger."
Be thankful that you live in a country whereas you will not be killed-------as ORDERED by "the prophet" for conveniently "seeing the light" should you choose to back out.
And better yet, KNOW that allah is not the Biblical Yaweh. The quran itself says so OVER AND OVER again.
So, I will end this by simply stating....I did not "jump" on anyone, but I am who I am who I am and I'm going to tell you....I aint bad. Justice is just that. Truth is just truth and everything that just "is" has a way of showing itself if and when you walk forth with open eyes.


Well-Known Member
I got the description of Jesus in Revelations 1:14-15. Also in Genesis it says Adam was made from dust, as far as I know the most fertile soil is black lol. Also in Genesis it talks about two nations coming from Rebekah. The first child Esau was "red." However the next child is not described. This leads me to believe that the other child Jacob looked like everyone else, black.

I don't think there are "white" people. There are people with different shades of red. What happens to a "whites" skin when they get smacked? It turns red lol.

No I'm not black. I'm half hawaiian half white. Whatever that is.

Btw I have only read a couple of pages in the Koran so idk anything about Islam.


Well-Known Member
:peace:Yeap, Jesus is very specifically referred to as having an olive complected skin....I'm not researching the exact verse...ha. It's there. I suppose I was just saying that I really don't care WHAT color he was. I don't see it so much as the "church" depiction, but a personal one. I've seen many black Christians with pictures of a VERY black Jesus. Am I offended by that? NO......why should I be?

HyDro Guy

Active Member
I do believe in God but Im havin a hard time with the fact that the Virgin Mary gave birth to Christ at the age of 14 due to immaculate conception. Also, if you know a little bit about the Bible and Koran you can clearly see that Muhammed is a false prophet born due to an adulterous affair from Abraham. No I am not Jewish but I do believe Israel is the holy land and the Israelites are God's people. Any Muslim will tell you Jews are evil and should die. Sunni's, Shiite's, whateva. In my opinion Islam is a very dangerous faith believing in false prophets much like many others.

HyDro Guy

Active Member
And yes of course Christ has/will have an olive complexion, dont all Jew's. Ironically a half brother of the very people who hate him. MUSLIMS... It's all in the Bible and Koran

HyDro Guy

Active Member
My bad, Abraham was the father of Ishmael which was an adulterous affair and years later (600 AD) Muhammed was born and looked upon as a prophet. Sry


Well-Known Member
Dude the "Jews" that are in Israel, are not the from the tribe of Judah. They are the synagogue of Satan referred to by Christ in Revelations.


Well-Known Member
I do believe in God but Im havin a hard time with the fact that the Virgin Mary gave birth to Christ at the age of 14 due to immaculate conception. Also, if you know a little bit about the Bible and Koran you can clearly see that Muhammed is a false prophet born due to an adulterous affair from Abraham. No I am not Jewish but I do believe Israel is the holy land and the Israelites are God's people. Any Muslim will tell you Jews are evil and should die. Sunni's, Shiite's, whateva. In my opinion Islam is a very dangerous faith believing in false prophets much like many others.
stop spreading your misguided propaganda.

how can Mohammad be a false prophet when he was mentioned (read prophesied) by name in the original Hebrew Old Testament?

True Muslims are required to regard Christians and Jews as fellow "People of the Book(s)".

True Muslims hate Zionists and not Jews. The two are very different, yet people have been led to view them as one ad the same. That's dangerous.

How can Mohammad be a false prophet when he was mentioned by name in the original Hebrew Old Testament?

Islam doesn't claim to be a new religion but the continuation and seal of the monotheistic faiths from the true creator. It has always been the same fundamentals and message in not just these 3 but all of the Abrahamic prophets, but somehow man has always managed to manipulate these teachings for worldly religions.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Sand, your dajall is Christian's Jesus Christ.....the One islam VEHEMENTLY resists as the noted thousands of years before Muhammad---and as the coming of the ANTI-Christ. And I find it hard to even take you seriously with the name Sand Monkey. No Arab would give themselves such a name.
For the record, Islam wishes and is taught (VIA Muhammad) to BE the really don't want to get me started, LOL.
Look, my dire question here is that after only reading a few posts on this thread, WHY ARE YOU HERE? MUSLIMS SIMPLY DO NOT CONDONE SMOKING. Did I mention Muhammad stated they are to follow the rules of the land?
<<<As I said...don't get me started.
What frustrates me about people like you is that you go on bashing people, religion, etc. without doing any real research or providing any evidence to your arguments. But i'll play:

Jesus (Issa, Yeshua, whatever you want to call him) Is very much the Islamic Messiah and prophet of the End of Times (Maseeh' in Arabic). Mentioned more times in the Quran than Mohammad himself!

Unlike you, I'll provide quotes:

"Lo! Those who believe (in that which is revealed unto thee, Muhammad), and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabaeans - whoever believeth in Allah and the Last Day and doeth right - surely their reward is with their Lord, and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve."

That's from Sura Al-Baqara, verse 62.

And an important Hadith: "My ummah will be divided into seventy three sects. All of them will be in the Fire except one". (Saheeh Muslim, FYI)

Do you know what this means??? that by the end of times Islam itself; with all its sects and branches will have done the same thing as Christians and Jews, and by that I mean corrupting the original teachings and religion into something worldly and false.

and I really don't need to explain to you the significance of my username or prove my integrity. But what's the difference between black people calling themselves niggers and arabs calling themselves sand monkeys? both were labels imposed on us while oppressed by the same oppressors!

And if I couldn't reply sooner, it is because I was somewhere where this site was blocked by the proxy:



Well-Known Member
Dude the "Jews" that are in Israel, are not the from the tribe of Judah. They are the synagogue of Satan referred to by Christ in Revelations.
Jis, I don't like acting all antisemetic, but I believe that accurately somes up the israeli LEADERSHIP.


Well-Known Member
Alright Sandmonkey...that is what you prefer to be referenced to...personally, I find it asinine using words like nigger and sandmonkey~~~sue me. LOL, no.....let's save all the lawsuits for CAIR (Council of Islamic Affairs)------- CAIR&#8217;s chairman, Omar M. Ahmad: "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran . . . should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth."
So, what frustrates YOU is "people like me" who "bash people and religion WITHOUT DOING ANY RESEARCH or providing any evidence to my arguments." Pftt......HA, what a joke. Sandmonkey, I SPENT SO MANY F'N NUMEROUS HOURS STUDYING THAT DEMONIC "FAITH" I LITERALLY MADE MY STUMACH CHURN AND WAS SICKENED TO A POINT I SIMPLY HAD TO WALK AWAY FROM THE FILTH. I have absolutely NOTHING to prove to you. This is not an islamic forum nor is it your calling to perform Da'wah.
When you get permission from some adminstrators to PROLONG this thread, this "topic" at great length, I will PROVIDE ALL the ayats that show you to be WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.
How quaint for you to leave out hadiths of your dear prophet mohammad stating Christians to be PIGS AND APES......very convenient---not to mention the numerous other hateful and EVIL "sayings of the prophet."
What frustrates me about people like you is that you go on bashing people, religion, etc. without doing any real research or providing any evidence to your arguments. But i'll play:
Those are your words sandmonkey..."i'll play."
I don't "play" with this topic sweetheart. To give this topic my full attention would be stupid on my part. I've been there and done that don't want a debate with me here......I will win, make no mistake about that. Reminder get in writing from an administrator that it is permissible to take it to that GREAT LENGTH.



Well-Known Member
Let me also add that I'm not foolish enough to expend numerous hours doing so. Do you follow? I have a LIFE.
Your Isa is not Christians's matter how much you attempt to claim it. The simple fact is that you DENY Christ. Isa is islam's prophet. Muslims give glory to it or not, while the quran rants on and on about the "3 god's I worship" ham mad IS YOUR intercessor. Spare me with your quranic one-liners that say otherwise. Your book goes on and on to attack the Christian of doing so, while you are TOO BLIND TO SEE that is EXACTLY what islam teaches you to do. My intercessor ROCKS.............your mohammad is not worthy of my time. You don't even waste precious time attempting to compare least I no longer will. You know why? I've done it, LOOOOOOOL.......I've proven to muslims to the absolute extreme. Muslims just ARGUE.......when the very words are shown by PROOFS, it's sick to watch them squirm.
Ackkkkkkkkkkkkk, you refer to yourself as OPPRESSED?????????? Your mohammad was the epitome of an evil oppressor!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Jis, I don't like acting all antisemetic, but I believe that accurately somes up the israeli LEADERSHIP.
Where does that word anti-semitism come from? Because if semites are suppossed to be descendents of SHEM. Are there also anti japheths or anti-hams? I've done some research and from what I have read the "Jews" that are claiming the Holy Land of Israel are not the original children of Israel. Remember the House of Israel was God's people not just Judah.


Well-Known Member
Wow. . .you all need to read The Hiram Key.

I think one of the reasons for all the hate is that everyone thinks their prophet is infallable. All the prophets did things that are considered wrong. .. they just don't get mentioned very often because the religious leaders don't want the masses to know they were like plain ole regular people.

Christ killed a boy when he was young by pushing him off a roof. .. Mohammed married an 8 year old girl and thought it was okay to have sex with blonde haired, blue eyed boys because he thought they were angelic.

It's when people start thinking that their particular prophet had done no wrong and the others had is when they start to believe their religion is better.


Well-Known Member
Wow. . .you all need to read The Hiram Key.

I think one of the reasons for all the hate is that everyone thinks their prophet is infallable. All the prophets did things that are considered wrong. .. they just don't get mentioned very often because the religious leaders don't want the masses to know they were like plain ole regular people.

Christ killed a boy when he was young by pushing him off a roof. .. Mohammed married an 8 year old girl and thought it was okay to have sex with blonde haired, blue eyed boys because he thought they were angelic.

It's when people start thinking that their particular prophet had done no wrong and the others had is when they start to believe their religion is better.
Oh Lawd, please do cite that "fact." :roll:
Christ killed a boy when he was young by pushing him off a roof. .