Calling all regs


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I'm standing here with the first glass of rum not on the rocks of the season. I'm smoked to a crisp, nekkid as the day I was born. It's 65 degrees and a perfectly clear night. The spa's 400K heater just kicked off and I'm going to slide in, float and watch the stars.

G'night all........ mmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
I fall under the

"Fat basturd that no one can understand and wears boots (justin boots only) and jeans on days that make the mercury hit in the 90s and kills deer cuz im board as all hell and hungry"


But i do kill what I eat

Hell I lived off of hamburger helper made with deer meat and sweet tea

Oh and deer jerky mmm damn that some good shit right there boi

I wake up to the taste of deer meat while throwing spit and beer bottles away and it became a morning ritual lol

I can't get no damn deer meat anymore so I guess ill just have to go Hannibal on some mother fuckers lol jk
Mannnnn Ty, you have had it hard...being a whole 20 yrs old an all;)


Well-Known Member
Ty, I'm disappointed you didn't sit in the room for 2 hours alone and wait! How are we going to get a chat room filled with commitment like THAT?