Calling all libs, take a shot at cuntdiane,$5


New Member
Hmmm ... I've read your post five times now and still can't figure it out. What-cha smoking this evening, cc? :joint:



New Member
Hmmm ... I've read your post five times now and still can't figure it out. What-cha smoking this evening, cc? :joint:

:mrgreen:Drinking coronas w/lime, inhaling some Puna Tang nugs/hash, and chillin' with the ladies, and RIU, of course. hahahahaha:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: 15 views, 1 post hahahaha I would have made $75, but probably mostly from friends! I was thinking of the old dunk booth! Every time I respond to libs, I get a lib gathering, or at least thats what I'm hoping for!:mrgreen: Just daring them to take a shot.:mrgreen:


New Member
Glad to see you are doing well in your cyber reality. :peace:

Nothing better than a lot of virtual money.:wall:
Its a pleasant escape from the daily grind. Go down to the shooting range, blast a few clay pigeons. No better way to unwind. Maybe golf. Its not virtual money I'm after, it's real world experience. Blowing fools like you out of the water, on-line, merely prepares me to confront/convert friends who seem to be following a misguided philosophy. When they bring up silly arguments, I'm prepared, thanks to you folks.


Well-Known Member
Blowing fools like you out of the water, on-line, merely prepares me to confront/convert friends who seem to be following a misguided philosophy. When they bring up silly arguments, I'm prepared, thanks to you folks.
How can you say I,m a fool you know nothing about me.
Also I have yet to see you convert anyone. You are blind to the facts and should probably stick to the virtual money.

Like I have said before, you are intitled to your oppinion, no matter how wrong or misguided it is.



Well-Known Member
I'm fucking confused:confused: I don't know if your a man or woman. Not that it really matters but I would never call a female a cunt. Even if she really deserved it. So I'm hoping your a man.


New Member
How can you say I,m a fool you know nothing about me.

It has no bearing what so ever if there is proof of wrong doing.

We will just fire the people that would prosecute us.
Refuse to talk to congress alone.
Hell we will say we are not part of the executive branch of government.
It doesn't matter, bring on the proof.

I know this about you.

Also I have yet to see you convert anyone. You are blind to the facts and should probably stick to the virtual money.

Give it time. Your my next target.

Like I have said before, you are intitled to your oppinion, no matter how wrong or misguided it is.

Thanks guy..................


Well-Known Member
I was giving you credit for making some valid arguements.
If you really don't know how that is out of context, I have given you too much credit.


New Member
I was giving you credit for making some valid arguements.
If you really don't know how that is out of context, I have given you too much credit.
This is your whole post, out of nowhere, as you hadn't previously posted on that thread, or not under the same user name anyway.
It has no bearing what so ever if there is proof of wrong doing.

We will just fire the people that would prosecute us.
Refuse to talk to congress alone.
Hell we will say we are not part of the executive branch of government.

It doesn't matter, bring on the proof.

A quick question for ccodiane.
Do you believe Water-boarding is torture?

Now how could it be taken out of context?, and if it was , please put it in context.


New Member
I'm fucking confused:confused: I don't know if your a man or woman. Not that it really matters but I would never call a female a cunt. Even if she really deserved it. So I'm hoping your a man.
How convenient. A lib with a "conscience". Did your mom teach you your manners? If she saw how you wrote, would she wash your mouth out with soap?