Cali Boy : Herbies seeds Royal queen Northern lights


Well-Known Member
Doing good I always have to wait another week or two after recommended harvest times. Looks like u will have alot of extra bud for the extra wait time though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I used to rock cfls but would much rather have mh hps once switching, I only have a 400w powering all 10 of mine


Well-Known Member
Doing good I always have to wait another week or two after recommended harvest times. Looks like u will have alot of extra bud for the extra wait time though.
Yeah thx man...i noticed that it is starting to put out a lot of frosty bud leaves. .and im in cali so during tge day im starting to put it outside to get powered by the almighty sun...


Well-Known Member
Looking good, let us know if anything changes feeding wise. But for MG and the set up she looks pretty damn good to me


Well-Known Member
Hey they are droopy because of the water on the leaves and i like to mist water on her every now and then just to keep it cool...only way it would harm tge plabt is if.there were nutes in the water and the lights heat it up....

he's actually right in a sense and so are you, allowing that much standing water onto your leaves (nutes or no nutes) can burn your leaves as it magnifies the light coming from your lights. now if you had nutes in the water you would leave a dirty scum mark (like white mold) on your leaves.

just suttin to watch out for if you have your lights under 3inches away :)

other than that great grow brother !


Well-Known Member
Update...shes shooting out frost leaves and the smell is aromatic lol i found out i wasnt watering it enough thats why the leaves were growing like raptor claws lol


Well-Known Member
looks good bro! Don't let us down keep them updates coming! This looks dope for a MG grow, are you still nuteless? What light schedule are you running? And how many cfls are you using?


Well-Known Member
looks good bro! Don't let us down keep them updates coming! This looks dope for a MG grow, are you still nuteless? What light schedule are you running? And how many cfls are you using?
Im still nuteless...its just water schedule i found a new favorite potting cant really believe i went nuteless all the way through...oh and its 10 CFL 100 watt equivs at 5000k


Well-Known Member
Hell yea im amazed at how she looks, I cant wait to see the final product & smoke report. Im itching to get a nice sized MG grow going