Calcium Def cause Rust?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the responses AZ!

yeah im using the hydro version nutes which are okay for soil. I tihnk i got everything to cool down now. I think i can deff chalk it up to soil ph dropping to low and locking out cal and mag. some leavees are showing mag deff now. once dry it rose to 6.3 on all 3 plants that needed watering tonite. Hit em up 25ml bloom 5ml calmag @ 6.6ph. We'll see what they read out when close to dry on wednesday.

I think im going to say my ph pen it out of calibration for sure too. my pen will say 6.5 and ill do the drops as a double check and ill get a 5.0 dark yellow instead. calibration solution will be here tomorrow thanks to amazon free 2day!

Will check back in wednesday on next watering. Im going to continue back to straight feeding every water session since they seemed to like it and its what botanicare recommends. I will try to go for a bit more run off now and keep an eye on color and ppm.


Well-Known Member
well finally got my ph cal solution to find out my pen was reading high. 7.4 on 7.0 solution. so i think i can finally say my mix was too low causing soil ph to be too low and lock out cal/mag. ph was reading 5.8 in soil in some places. Finally got that fixed and hopefully all should be good.