cal/mag def, HELP PLEASE

hi 1st time grow and my ladies have a cal mag defficiency I'm 3 weeks away from harvest, have no cal/mag to give them and having a real hard time getting some, Advice please ? will they survive if i dont correct?


Well-Known Member
I would not trip too much since your 3 weeks till harvest. If it was early in your grow then I would correct it. FYI if you cant get cal/mag solution keep on hand epsom salts 2 tbs/ gal of h2o.
Thanks for the quick reply, I was worried as it seems to be spreading quite fast through the leaves, and I'm worried about it affecting the the buds, Good shout with the epsom salts though, hopefully i'll get some cal/mag but if i cant then epsom salts it is.

cheers again for the advice :clap: