Cactus soil?


Well-Known Member
Most potting soil doesn't dry out fast enough for cacti. Coco/perlite is a good base IMO... (more perlite/sand than coco)

Also, after the soil dries out, you need to be able to re wet it. Peat has a bad tenancy to allow the water to roll away and not soak in.


Well-Known Member
ive had many cacti and they have all done fine in my backyard soil. Maybe throw in some perlite but anything should be fine, i shit you not i have a like 19yr old cacti that i bought in elementary school in like a 8oz containter. they are actually pretty hard to kill.

edit: i havent watered it in that long too


Well-Known Member
Cacti can grow in a lot of soil types . Clay to sand, but I have never seen one growing in a high humus type soil in nature....and a few grow around here. Most prefer a sandy type. You have to be careful with's very easy to overwater.