Buying websites?


Well-Known Member
so i was just browsing and seen that they have websites for sale. some are only 2 mos old so not worth my time but theres others that have been around a year plus and claim to have $500-$2000 (mattering on the listing) in revenue per month.

how wise would it be to purchase a website. sounds interesting. i do have some $ to invest

any tips for n00bies? obviously im looking to start small...just blow a few hundred max on a site that generates only a few hundos a month tops...just to "get my feet wet".

what should i look for? what should i avoid?

plz and thx :)

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
theres others that have been around a year plus and claim to have $500-$2000 (mattering on the listing) in revenue per month.

what should i look for? what should i avoid?

plz and thx :)
If it is to good to be true it probably is not true.
If I had a site that generated 500 a month why would I sell it for 500? Do you know anything about Google adwords? If so then you know your work is cut for you and if not then have a nice long read.
Websites are cheap, a name is always nice when it coincides with what you area peddling. But in reality, it is an everyday hacking and tuning job to get those click throughs. If you are good with that then we will see you at the top.


Active Member
You rent things like domain names and hosting. You can even buy the rights to the code used to make a website. You can even buy control of a website and a domain but you are still going to have to pay for hosting and renewal of the domain name. However you really can't buy a website, not in the way most people think of buying. Just to clarify what exactly are you talking about buying/renting? Is it the domain name, the code, or rights to the host and domain name until it needs to be renewed?

I'm inclined to think this is a scam of some kind. If the site were profitable why wouldn't they just hire people on to run it and then just pocket some of the income? As has been mentioned they could be using various tricks to drive traffic to the domain. They could be working with the hosting company and plan to charge exorbitant amounts when you have to renew your agreement with them. The host could be malicious and harvest user information.

If you want to get into the website business you want to learn how to install/run a lamp server and write html/css/php/perl/mysql. Others might disagree on what OS, scripting languages, and/or database to use, this is just my preference. Don't forget to capture your traffic (you'll learn more) and you should also try to figure out a few of the helpful blackhat tricks for boosting web traffic and ad revenues. SEO (blackhat or otherwise) is a skill set all it's own. Try to learn it but don't be ashamed if you have to hire someone to put the finishing touches on (same goes for hosting or coding). If they are good it's worth it.

With virtual box you can give turnkey LAMP a spin if you just want to jump in head first. Don't use it in a live environment however, I don't trust it to be secure. Limit networking to either the host machine or other VMs. Limiting it to other VMs is very secure but a bit of a pain if you don't have a lot of RAM and at least two processors.

Even if you don't come up with a profitable website you walk away with marketable skills. Jumping into website hosting and design by buying a supposedly profitable website is doomed to fail and cost you a good bit of money. Better to learn with a little host you setup on a local VM and maybe get some certs if you want to look for employment based on your hosting skills.