Buying medical marijuana in Washington State


Well-Known Member
I am a resident of Washington again as of 2 weeks ago. I finally got my MMJ card today! I am wondering if the "CHANGE" dispensary in Spokane is legit? I heard of someone paying $80 for 5 grams there!
Has anyone been to this dispensary?

Are there any other resources for getting medicine?


Well-Known Member
I dunno man, i think they're pretty whack
To each their own. I mean, I have my own crop, but I won't be able to harvest for about 4 weeks. Until then, it's nice to have an easy to access supply.

Mind you, they also sell decent seeds their for $2.50 a pop!


To each their own. I mean, I have my own crop, but I won't be able to harvest for about 4 weeks. Until then, it's nice to have an easy to access supply.

Mind you, they also sell decent seeds their for $2.50 a pop!
hey im in seattle and i definitely qualify for mmj-- how should i go about it?

and how much will it cost?



Hi all. I would like to form a clark co. NORML chapter so I can hold meetings and work towards a county dispensary. If you are a cardholder and interested, send me a email.


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I would like to form a clark co. NORML chapter so I can hold meetings and work towards a county dispensary. If you are a cardholder and interested, send me a email.
I'm in Stevens Co, and I have a similar idea. We need a local co-op here. It's a pain in the ass to drive to the Spokane dispensaries.

If anyone is interested in getting this going in Stevens CO Washington let me know.