Busters 09 Outdoor Grow

Buster 420

Active Member
Just some good bagseed I've been growing and breeding for 6 years. I've looked through dozens of seed banks trying to figure it out but nothing stands out.

Buster 420

Active Member
Damage Report:

Well the damage is not as bad as I though it would be. The temps dropped to 24F which is a little warmer then 21F the news predicted. All the plants had a few fan leaves die and a couple smaller ones. The shaded side of the plants took the biggest hit but most are still kicking. The tops looked like they were starved of water and turned away from the sun.

Tonights forecast is 23F and then back up into the mid 30's all next week. I'll keep on checking them until they die or finish.


Buster 420

Active Member
Had to go check and see if any died. I'm so tempted to harvest the purple plant but will wait til I have more free time.

Took a few samples just waiting for them to dry. bongsmilie


Buster 420

Active Member
Took a few samples home for the wife and me to enjoy. Had a popcorn nugget from the purple plant for breakfast. The taste and smell was very citrus.

Looks like the weather is going to hold out for another 2 weeks.

It's time to sample another. bongsmilie



Active Member
Hey buster i been watching your grow for a while and it looks awesome i envy it.

I just started my own outdoor grow. What did you do for soil just use the soil there already?

Buster 420

Active Member
Hey buster i been watching your grow for a while and it looks awesome i envy it.

I just started my own outdoor grow. What did you do for soil just use the soil there already?
Thanks for the comment.

I use the existing soil and improve it by adding organic matter. I start by evaluating the current soil type, condition and problems. Then test the pH in every hole. This is your base line for nutrient uptake so it's very important to get this right. If your pH is basic >8 then you need to add acid to drop the pH. Basic soil is common in the West but Eastern soil is acidic. Adding lime will raise the pH. Be careful and not over do it. Getting the pH right takes several seasons to perfect.

I like to turn the soil as soon as it unfreezes. Most supplements need time to break down from a toxic into a usable form. At this point the soil will be ready for plants when the temperature allows.

This is what I always add to the soil.

  1. blood meal
  2. bone meal
  3. perlite
  4. manure
  5. Egg shells
  6. Bird shit
  7. Sand
  8. Sweat; essential nutrient in guerilla growing


Active Member
Thanks for that buster. I will go out and buy a pH tester soon and then work from there. Im living in australia and where i planted i had to clear a heap of grass and there is farly dense vegetation around it so im hoping everything will grow well cuz eveything around it was pretty good and alot of roots had to be removed from my grow patch

Buster 420

Active Member
Grass is no problem. It produces a very thick top soil and perfect for MJ.

Buy the nutrient test kit. It helps identify potential deficiency problems and what to add to condition the soil.

Good luck and post your grow.

Buster 420

Active Member
This garden is having a hard time also. All the vegetable plants died. Time to make salsa.

The fan leaves are freezing. The tips died a couple days ago with some of the top fan leaves. Last night the big fans leaves looked dead.

Am I the only one seeing purple trichs?




Active Member
Time to harvest...finally you get to reak the benefits of your hard work


ill probably go get a nutrient test kit this weekend.

If i have my seedlings in cups of potting soil at the moment then i put them in the ground after i have treated it they should still grow fine maybe just a little bit of shock for a few days?