

Active Member
was it in veg stage ? , 9 times out of ten you will get laughed at growing one plant , our police would anyway


Active Member
do you have your card or are you a caregiver?if not check the normal site for law guidelines.where you at in michigan?


yes i have been using google all day and it just makes me feel more screwed unfortunately, says michigan law is a felony/$20,000 fine for under 20 plants (might as well have had 19 if thats the case) it was in the veg stage about a month or so old was really just experimenting with the whole thing. I am not a medicinal patient, though now i wish i was, never been in trouble for anything other than this now, sorry if im being vague just rattled by the whole situation, appreciate any advice on the matter. Western Mich baby


Well-Known Member
how did you end up getting caught? I also have one plant, and I don't want to make the same mistake


Well-Known Member
the only good advice you will get is to get a good lawyer who specializes in marijuana cases. Not only can they easily answer your specific question as part of a free consultation, they can also tell you realistically the consequences you will be facing, as well as make the largest contribution to minimizing those consequences that anyone can.


Thanks for legal advice i checked up a lawyer courtesy of High Times, He was very informative but still left me a little unclear, asked for my business later. I was Busted while at class, walked into apartment full of cops. Apparently roommate caused a scene with a city inspector checkin smoke detectors........


id prolly run away to canada, end up getting more fucked. but thats me.

sucks that happened. best of luck to u man.


Active Member
don't they need to give you 24 hour notice to enter your apartment? or is that just canada?
i wish we had that rule here in the uk !!! i would have my full house riddled with plants , and not have a worry about the 5-0 stormin thew ma front door i would only take a couple of hours to shift it all ready for them coming the next day .. maybe bake a cake for them coming


Well-Known Member
holy crap man popped for one plant and they actually are trying to make it stick hahahaha my uncle got caught growing (near a elementary school none the less)15 plants and they just cut his crop and walked out i would be surprised if you get probation hope all goes well and best of luck.


New Member
yea dude dont sweat it as for theres alot of outs in this case of yours like notice of fire marshal coming to look at alarms they jus cant walk in nor can cops they have to have suficient evidence to even get a search warrant with out a reasonable doubt hell
and even for 1 plant there just tryng to scare you when it goes to court. The prosecutor he will not waste his time on it telling you its not enough all u got to say is it was for personal reasons and you dont want to support drug lords so you thought growing your own plant meaning 1 plant you didnt think would be a serious problem

hell the law and me arent good friends lol lets jus say i bin a bad boy but when ever they come to my house at the door i ask them are they arresting me , they say no then i say are you detaining me
they say no then i tell them well then get the fck off my property then i slam the door on there face


They might determine how much bud your plant would yeild by its size, then charge you with having that much mj..i've seen it done.
so long as theyre convinced its for personal use, you should get some fines/community service/na class some shit like that.get a good lawyer

Sorry that happened, best of luck to you.
You were growing illegally and got caught. This action especially in Michigan makes the medical marijuana community all look bad as your bust will probably hit the papers and some will thikn you are a patient/caregiver when in reality you are just someone that got caught growing illegally.
No sympathy from me, sorry. Man up and accept the punishment.


Well-Known Member
You were growing illegally and got caught. This action especially in Michigan makes the medical marijuana community all look bad as your bust will probably hit the papers and some will thikn you are a patient/caregiver when in reality you are just someone that got caught growing illegally.
No sympathy from me, sorry. Man up and accept the punishment.
He was just asking what hes gonna be facing in court for getting caught up with one plant. :-D I do live by your logic as well tho. You do the crime you do the time.


Active Member
You were growing illegally and got caught. This action especially in Michigan makes the medical marijuana community all look bad as your bust will probably hit the papers and some will thikn you are a patient/caregiver when in reality you are just someone that got caught growing illegally.
No sympathy from me, sorry. Man up and accept the punishment.
I dont really believe that. Medical Marijuana is pretty flimsy at best. I've heard in the US you can get a medical card for saying you have depression, trouble sleeping, trouble eating, or a number of little issues that could easily be made up. Here in Canada you have to have cancer in order to receive medical marijuana. So if you have cancer than sure i guess you have a right to have no empathy for this person, but i'm sure its still a majority of medical users who are just in it for the high. The way i see it he is just self medicating :)

Personally I'd be pretty upset if they tried to make an example out of you and did anything more than community service. Someone tell the cops to go after real criminals.