Busted growing stories you guys?


Active Member
I would be interested in any stories about getting busted growing in the past, and what happened. Makes for interesting reading, the excitement and worry, then the devastation of knowing you were busted, then what happened over it.


Well-Known Member
i/ve been caught a couple times in the past, once at someone elses house (joint grow)- parents threw everything out. next i tried at my parents house, my dad was just starting all his seeds for his garden so i put my seeds in with his saying they were flowers. that went fine until my dads cousin came over and saw the baby plants. he told my dad he was surprised he grew pot. i wish i saw the look on my dads face! his cousin apparently is a long time grower. my parents took the plants at first, ripped them up but repotted them all in one pot? then gave them to me after much begging, as long as i promised to plant them off their property. i moved them to a park but i think the shock, elements etc killed them all. right now im doing my first indoor grow and im paranoid as hell. a guy near me recently got sentenced for growing 19 plants, THREE YEARS in prison, mad fines and probabtion...

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Damn sucks to be in Jersey. My buddy got popped with 500 plants and sat in jail for a month then went to court and got 4 yrs probation.


Well-Known Member
Damn 500 plants thats a lot sucks though i hate being on probation i got court in a couple days :( hopefully all goes well i dont have any stories lol but im sure going to keep checking to read some of the others stories here


Well-Known Member
Damn sucks to be in Jersey. My buddy got popped with 500 plants and sat in jail for a month then went to court and got 4 yrs probation.

jeez sounds like a deal to me 1 month in jail and then probation however i hate to think what will happen to him if he violates his probation


Well-Known Member
yeah jersey has some of the worst laws out there in regards to our hobby/passion/obsession lol. growing is so so so much fun, and really fullfiling in my opinion, can't wait to smoke nug i actually grew myself--- in a closet no less! but it does make me paranoid 24/7. everytime i hear sirens im like paralyzed. is anyone out there working to change the disgusting laws we have in the us? i would love to help, just don't know where to start, other than donating to norml... which i am way too poor to do right now :(


Well-Known Member
never been popped for no dope,but everyone im involved with family friends freinds of freinds,just everybody is or has beeninvolved in crime in some way shape or form,aswell as myself,just not dope.but from my understanding out here in my area the bacon pretty much just throws that shit out or put it in there trunks.lolyou would have to be a pretty big grower for them to take your ass.alot of times they do worse shit like make u rip it up yourself and that would hurt the most,dont get me wrong there r some pigs that will make a crime scene out of 1 plant.it differs.i think about what would happen if i get cought,but im more worried of what my record would do to me more than theculptivation.and r county jail is so packed,if u get a year you will b out in about 45 days,that is no lie my freinds.u do 10% of your time here.cali has its good and bad.


New Member
A friend of mine got busted with 79 plants none were in flower yet. He had them in his basement of his business. He is a swim instructor and works with allot of youth in our area. Funny thing is his business and pool was called Happy Times, just not to happy anymore.
What happened is he had a water leak to the pool, well the lines come out of the basement. He HIRED a local company to come out and fix the leak. He happened to not be their when they arrived and a co worker let them go down there by him self. Needless to say a week after the repair the police came busting down the door. he has been charged with manufacturing. The community is all behind him as he has done great things for children locally. The local paper has a message board on their web site that has allowed the community to voice their opinion about the charges, as he has an illness that causes a great deal of pain and only grew for himself. But the moral of the story here is to not hire repair people to come anywhere near your grow.


Well-Known Member
That's the shitty thing about growing in an apartment.. the repairman could come by at anytime for some random reason and discover what I'm doing. I always keep my closet closed and the noise is VERY low so unless he opened the closet he'd have nothing to suspect.


Active Member
When I was in college I was growing some widow in my apartment. I had two roommates (both of which were ex-stoners, the WORST kind). I basically just kept to myself and toked up all the time while doing my homework. It was awesome until one day. . .

My plants were a month old or so, I was going to begin flowering because my closet was small and I didn't want my 4 plants to get too large for it. I come back from class and walk through the living room - there are my two roommates sitting there and they both shoot me this pissed/weird look. I'm like "wtf is going on?"

Apparently my roommates printer was broken so he decided to let himself into my room and use mine. I had all the lights in the room off, so he could clearly see the growlight coming under the door of my closet. They told me I had to get rid of it because if I get caught and go to jail they couldn't afford rent (which is BULLSHIT because they could have just sub-letted). I told them it was BS and to fuck off, so they then threatened to call the cops which made no sense whatsoever considering their original issue with me going to jail.

Nevertheless it freaked me out enough to ditch them. Its all good though because I jacked off in their shampoo bottles for the next 6 months. Faggots.


Well-Known Member
BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhh!!!! Jacked off in their shampoo!!!!!!! They deserved it, hope they are bald!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Active Member
The only time I have heard of people getting caught is when they have "friends" over and hey end up getting popped and turn into informants. Thats pretty common. Ive basically become a hermit. I dont have people over, ever. Being paranoid makes me distrust pretty much everyone. everything,


The only time I have heard of people getting caught is when they have "friends" over and hey end up getting popped and turn into informants. Thats pretty common. Ive basically become a hermit. I dont have people over, ever. Being paranoid makes me distrust pretty much everyone. everything,
i hear you man i'm becoming a hermit myself i got poped pretty serious on some fucking bullshit and it makes me totaly paranoid. every time you get bagged it's sombody else that fucks things up for you i swear to god. alot of people are such pieces of shit and have no moral's these days


Well-Known Member
The only time I have heard of people getting caught is when they have "friends" over and hey end up getting popped and turn into informants. Thats pretty common. Ive basically become a hermit. I dont have people over, ever. Being paranoid makes me distrust pretty much everyone. everything,

Yup, if you're gonna grow at the domicile that's pretty much what you have to do for peace of mind.


Well-Known Member
When I was in college I was growing some widow in my apartment. I had two roommates (both of which were ex-stoners, the WORST kind). I basically just kept to myself and toked up all the time while doing my homework. It was awesome until one day. . .

My plants were a month old or so, I was going to begin flowering because my closet was small and I didn't want my 4 plants to get too large for it. I come back from class and walk through the living room - there are my two roommates sitting there and they both shoot me this pissed/weird look. I'm like "wtf is going on?"

Apparently my roommates printer was broken so he decided to let himself into my room and use mine. I had all the lights in the room off, so he could clearly see the growlight coming under the door of my closet. They told me I had to get rid of it because if I get caught and go to jail they couldn't afford rent (which is BULLSHIT because they could have just sub-letted). I told them it was BS and to fuck off, so they then threatened to call the cops which made no sense whatsoever considering their original issue with me going to jail.

Nevertheless it freaked me out enough to ditch them. Its all good though because I jacked off in their shampoo bottles for the next 6 months. Faggots.
I jacked off in their shampoo bottles for the next 6 months. Faggots. hahaha good why would they threaten to call cops


Well-Known Member
That's the shitty thing about growing in an apartment.. the repairman could come by at anytime for some random reason and discover what I'm doing. I always keep my closet closed and the noise is VERY low so unless he opened the closet he'd have nothing to suspect.

Yo Donnie: You should change the locks on the door so they cannot enter the apartment w/o calling you first. This sucks because they will probably evict you for changing the locks.. but you could just say that the lock broke so u had to fix it and the new keys plus receipt for the lock is in with next months rent check. They cannot legally enter your apartment without your consent unless there is an emergency.