Bush breaks his silence on Obama

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Well-Known Member
Your race card has expired OP. Time to cut it up.

But this POS thread does highlight one thing, something the OP probably would rather not acknowledge.

Bush has kept his mouth shut since leaving office. He has followed the tradition of former Presidents not bad mouthing their successors.

He has shown Brack the courtesy of letting him govern, or rule as Brack sees it, without criticism.

Something that can definitely not be said of that old fool Jimmy Carter.

jeff f

New Member
Your race card has expired OP. Time to cut it up.

But this POS thread does highlight one thing, something the OP probably would rather not acknowledge.

Bush has kept his mouth shut since leaving office. He has followed the tradition of former Presidents not bad mouthing their successors.

He has shown Brack the courtesy of letting him govern, or rule as Brack sees it, without criticism.

Something that can definitely not be said of that old fool Jimmy Carter.
dont forget clinton. he did his fair share of bush bashing too.


Well-Known Member
Your race card has expired OP. Time to cut it up.

But this POS thread does highlight one thing, something the OP probably would rather not acknowledge.

Bush has kept his mouth shut since leaving office. He has followed the tradition of former Presidents not bad mouthing their successors.

He has shown Brack the courtesy of letting him govern, or rule as Brack sees it, without criticism.

Something that can definitely not be said of that old fool Jimmy Carter.

If parody visibly upsets you like it obviously has it must suck for you dealing with the real world. But interestingly enough as much you tried your POS post failed at turning it into a POS thread.


Well-Known Member
If parody visibly upsets you like it obviously has it must suck for you dealing with the real world. But interestingly enough as much you tried your POS post failed at turning it into a POS thread.
Parody. Is that what Proggies are calling race-baiting now?

This thread was a POS before I saw it.

It must kill you that Bush has kept a low profile since leaving office.

By starting this thread you demonstrated unambiguously precisely who is visibly upset, and why.

You don't have Dubya to kick around any more.


Active Member
+ rep BadDog- funny post.

And Johnny- It has been a blessing to not have that useless excuse for a human being showing up on tv; he has run away with his tail between his legs like he should have. It must kill you to have a black man running this country- I'm still waiting for this collapse you have been screaming about since he stepped into office. I just wonder where you were for the 8 years bush was sending this country down the crapper.


Well-Known Member
+ rep BadDog- funny post.

And Johnny- It has been a blessing to not have that useless excuse for a human being showing up on tv; he has run away with his tail between his legs like he should have. It must kill you to have a black man running this country- I'm still waiting for this collapse you have been screaming about since he stepped into office. I just wonder where you were for the 8 years bush was sending this country down the crapper.
Again with the race card. Give it up, Dude.

That dog don't hunt.

It would not matter what mixture of races Brack was. He would still be an incompetent bungler who misread his mandate.

He's half-white, wouldn't that just make me half a bigot if that were my motivation for opposing him?

You are gonna be a sad and angry little man come November 3rd. Well, sadder and angrier.

So go back and retreat into your little hole where everybody who opposes The Chosen One must be a racist.


Active Member
Again with the race card. Give it up, Dude.

That dog don't hunt.

It would not matter what mixture of races Brack was. He would still be an incompetent bungler who misread his mandate.

He's half-white, wouldn't that just make me half a bigot if that were my motivation for opposing him?

You are gonna be a sad and angry little man come November 3rd. Well, sadder and angrier.

So go back and retreat into your little hole where everybody who opposes The Chosen One must be a racist.
Truth hurts, huh Johnny? Bush was a shitty pres no matter what way you slice it. We'll see what happens on Nov 3rd.

jeff f

New Member
Truth hurts, huh Johnny? Bush was a shitty pres no matter what way you slice it. We'll see what happens on Nov 3rd.
i dont hate all black people, just the one in the oval office. and i dont hate him cuz he is black, i hate him cuz he is a total statist, arrogant, POS that thinks he is the smartest person in the world.


Well-Known Member
Truth hurts, huh Johnny? Bush was a shitty pres no matter what way you slice it. We'll see what happens on Nov 3rd.
What fucking truth?

You show me some fucking truth and I'll tell you if it hurts or not.

So far all I've seen from you is stereotyping and wishful thinking.

I have no love for Bush. Another preconceived notion of yours washed away.

You're batting zero tonight, Pilgrim. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Well- assuming all muslims are evil because of the actions of a few. Sounds like stereotyping to me.

I said the deafening silence of Muslims to the actions of a few extremists, either through tacit approval or fear; is evil.

You are simply reading what you want to see.

I oppose your viewpoint. Therefore I must be bad.

Try again.


Well-Known Member
And one more thing....

Opposing a religion which encompasses virtually all races is not racism.

But thanks for playing. :mrgreen:


Active Member

I said the deafening silence of Muslims to the actions of a few extremists, either through tacit approval or fear; is evil.

You are simply reading what you want to see.

I oppose your viewpoint. Therefore I must be bad.

Try again.

It is silent when you cover your ears. Or eyes, since it is a link. Or wear mittens, since wearing mittens while navagating the inter . . . you get the idea. This won't get actively reported because these kind of things won't get much of an audience. Think about it: "Tonight at 11, people agreeing that bad things are bad" or "Tonight at 11, untimely queef causes international incident." Sensational headlines and stories will get sensational ratings- the drawback is you get a limited view.


Well-Known Member

It is silent when you cover your ears. Or eyes, since it is a link. Or wear mittens, since wearing mittens while navagating the inter . . . you get the idea. This won't get actively reported because these kind of things won't get much of an audience. Think about it: "Tonight at 11, people agreeing that bad things are bad" or "Tonight at 11, untimely queef causes international incident." Sensational headlines and stories will get sensational ratings- the drawback is you get a limited view.
I looked at your link.

A lot of Muslims commiserating over "Islam Under attack," or bemoaning the confusion of "Fundamentalism and Terrorism."

Not much else.

Your point?

Aside from obfuscation, do you have any actual evidence of what I have "shown?"

You are so far out of your league, you don't even realize it, yet.

But on with the show!


Active Member
No thanks, I don't wanna get 5600 posts by baby-feeding you information you could find if you care enough to look for it. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. I don't expect you to realize that you are the equivalent of the flag-burning terrorist, just on the other side of the aisle.

And you are right, racist might be a bit of a stretch for you. But I think "bigot" fits much better.

Nite Johnny!
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