Burrying a Grow Bag ..Vs ...Planting Straight in Ground


Well-Known Member
Good Evening,

I was looking through Google and just was not able to find what I was looking for so maybe someone can assist me in this little situation I have in my head.

I was planning on planting my 3 gallon potted plants in a remote location but didn't want to bury the pots, So I was wondering which is better...burring the plant root ball in the ground....or ...placing the plant in a bag and burring the bag and adding soil to the inside of that bag so that my plant can grow more roots ?

I need something that will hold water longer but wont cause root rot in 5 seconds. :leaf:




Well-Known Member
Ground probably is the best. Dig a hole bigger than the pot, throw some good soil in and transplant. Depending on the natural soil in the area, you may want a pretty big hole filled with soil