Burnt leaves from the bulb touching the plant! (question not on forums...I think)


I did a search over the forums for this question but didn't find anything remotely close. My most sincere apologies if this has been asked many times!

While I was out at work, my CFL bulb slipped and fell on the plant.:cry: It must have been there for at least a couple hours, because when I checked on it earlier today on part of the plant had been completely burned away. Most of the plant was fine, just that one side that was brown and shriveled, so I think the plant will recover (another plant got burned as well and was pretty much completely lost:cry::cry::cry:). What I'm here to ask is if there is any special treatment I should give the plant while it's recovering. More light? Less light? Move the bulb farther away (it's more secure now, that's for sure)? Water less/more? All help is much appreciated, my fellow beautiful growers! :peace:


Active Member
I don't think there is anything special you can do for it. Give it a few days and then pick off the dead stuff. In the future, please be careful with your lights. Some cfl's get pretty damn hot. Are you using the clamp-on ones? If possible, it is always a good idea to run a backup string or chain on the lights in case something gives out. Good luck and sorry about your misfortune.


Active Member
Are you in FLower? How far into veg/flower?

The Damage is done. I would just give it time but otherwise I would not go overboard and try to rescue it. This generslly makes things worse in my experience.
If it is in veg I wouldnt worry at all.