Burned leaves...


Ok so basically I made a noob mistake and didn't secure one of the light fixtures in a grow box...the 100 watt bulb fell and scorched one baby plants leaves totally off and slightly damaged a few of the surrounding plants... they are all about 3 inches tall and 2 weeks old from seed.... I was wondering if these plants will heal.... the stem on the totally scorched guy...or girl is still looking healthy and straight.... can I hope for this to grow more leaves or is it a goner? howabout the slightly damaged ones? is their fate sealed?


Active Member
As long as it's alive, it'll grow more leaves--but leaf damage doesn't get repaired.



Active Member
Well, if your plant stays alive long enough, it should push some new ones outta the growth tips. I can't say for sure though. Eh, leave it in there; see what happens.



Well-Known Member
I had my Whole CFL fixture drop on my BlueMystic in Soil; she recovered fine and is now thriving!