Bump If You're Baked!


Well-Known Member
Been vaping since this morning, making some strong budder and just ate a brownie.
Headed for the glass pipe and some w/w. Got 5 diffrent HB Strains to choose from.


Active Member
Hells yeah! Toking on some kanaga I picked up at my fave dispensary. Nice. Dude said it was a rare strain with African roots. I like it. I picked Up an eighth of kanaga, white cap, lemon haze, pineapple mango, and some trainwreck. The trainwreck was grown by the woman who runs the place. Have had some other trainwreck from there but nothing like hers. Whenever I see tw there I have to ask if it's. Hers. I'm BBBAKED!!



Well-Known Member
How about a "It's 5:30am, I've been up since 1 because my room mates are fucking loud inconsiderate douche bags" bump?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
do you know i never even clicked this thread once until right now on this page? but i am so much more baked'ed than i have been in such a long fucking time that i just had to bump the fucking thread. bump for being fucked up again and bump for gravity bongs.