

It seems to me that once the dispensaries are up and running we will no longer be able to grow our own medicine. Why cant we have dispensaries and still be allowed to have a small number of plants growing in our home. I appreciate the time I have with my plants almost as much as I apreciate the relief it gives me.
The whole act of growing a plant from seed, watching it grow and helping it to maturity is very therapeutic.
We have to be allowed to grow a small amount of plants indoor if we so choose.


Well-Known Member
well duhhh, the government cant collect taxes on what you grow, but they can from what the clubs sell. lol


Well-Known Member
well duhhh, the government cant collect taxes on what you grow, but they can from what the clubs sell. lol

Yeah seems like growing your own may be the only way to go. The FEDS are cracking down hard on the dispensaries making a lot of loot, but its their fault because they really dont change the prices from the street level dealers and you have to run a not for profit enterprise.


Active Member
Yeah seems like growing your own may be the only way to go. The FEDS are cracking down hard on the dispensaries making a lot of loot, but its their fault because they really dont change the prices from the street level dealers and you have to run a not for profit enterprise.
Beav is right. I am pretty sure if these "Non-profits" were truly operating on a not for profit basis; we wouldn't have to pay $20 per gr or $400 per oz. I think the feds are doing a marvelous job leaving the patients alone. They want the sick to have access to mmj but they don't want people to make tons of untaxable money under the guise of charity. There is also the region political landscape one must acknowledge. The more money the mmj industry makes the louder the voice for legalization will get. If you control the money you effectively control the power. That was true until the advent of faceyspaces and tweetypages. So all this hoopla can all be boiled down to money and not wanting to share power.


Well-Known Member
Beav is right. I am pretty sure if these "Non-profits" were truly operating on a not for profit basis; we wouldn't have to pay $20 per gr or $400 per oz. I think the feds are doing a marvelous job leaving the patients alone. They want the sick to have access to mmj but they don't want people to make tons of untaxable money under the guise of charity. There is also the region political landscape one must acknowledge. The more money the mmj industry makes the louder the voice for legalization will get. If you control the money you effectively control the power. That was true until the advent of faceyspaces and tweetypages. So all this hoopla can all be boiled down to money and not wanting to share power.
That pretty much it, the FEDS have to figure a way out to get $$$$$ from it, until then they will continue to freeze bank accounts and kick in doors of most dispensary working " not for profit".


Well-Known Member
my spidey sense says to get a card, but not mention my grow. i don't trust any of these fuckers, state or federal! then again, i'm getting older, and i'd love to have at least one state legal grow before i kick!


Active Member
my spidey sense says to get a card, but not mention my grow. i don't trust any of these fuckers, state or federal! then again, i'm getting older, and i'd love to have at least one state legal grow before i kick!
I would do it. It's truly an example of Pascal's Wager IMO. I'd sooner err on the side of caution than fear.


You can't have a lemon tree in your house, You can't drink the milk from your own cow, You can't have a chicken without registering it. You can't have a lemonade stand without a permit. When will it all stop. We have developed into corporate controlled facist state. Make a few more laws to limit my competition. Tax this Tax that and what the hey tax everything.

We need to get rid of this corporate controlled government and insitute a new constitutional republic. Hmmmmm I thought that is what we lived in? If George Washington grew marijuana for medicinal purposes then we ought to be able to also. No need for an initiative. Just your sovereign individual God given rights. We are the SOVEREIGN. Their pesky mean nothing laws don't apply to SOVEREIGNS.

IT IS TIME FOR A NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION......Now that is some BS.....huh?


Active Member
The founding fathers probably rolled over in their graves a long time ago. we now live in a nation by the corporations, for the corporations.