Bug need help id it


Well-Known Member
Hey guys this my first grow i found this bug for the second time in my grow box killed the first but the other one got away as i was taken it pic is it a good bug or bad...

PS. ... it fly



Well-Known Member
Hey guys this my first grow i found this bug for the second time in my grow box killed the first but the other one got away as i was taken it pic is it a good bug or bad...


Well-Known Member
ummm how can we tell if you don't have a picture? What did it look like? A black spek (pun intended)? Whitish brown? Regardless, unless you've intentionally put beneficial predatory bugs in your room, they are not good.

Get some neem oil, or make some garlic water and start spraying (if you're not in flower that is).



Well-Known Member
Looks like a common carpet beetle.

In the larvae stage they feed on fluff and cloth etc.

In the beetle stage they feed on vegetation.

Nothing detrimental to a grow room.

But obviously in great numbers you'll have a problem.
