Budswell (yellow label) ?


Well-Known Member
Read alot of good things about this product, and the guys at the local hydro shop spoke highly about it so I picked up a bag and have a couple of questions:

1) Its the yellow label, bloom formula. Label says 0-0.7-0...everything ive read indicates that the label should read 0-7-0. Is this a typo, or did they change the mixture?

2) Ive been using this as a tea. 2 tbsp to a gallon of water, and used within the hour, everything goes into the soil, even the stuff that hasnt gone into solution. Seems like alot of people aerate it up to 12 hours before use. Is the method I am using effective or am I just wasting it ? Really don't want to go to all the trouble of aerating it unless I absolutely have to (just one more step, and just one more expense since I need to purchase pump and stone).