Buds getting too BIG.


Well-Known Member
usually excessive N...
could also be ph, rootbound even foliar feeding in heat..

doesn't look to have affected buds much though.. ;)
Could be the fact I haven't watered for a week plus the heat. I like my girls to be on the drier side when I harvest.

Garden weeds

Active Member
Would love to post pics. Just a little scared of putting my business that far out there. My damn smart phone keeps up with location all the time and would hate for the pic to have info concerning my physical address.
first of all, nice to hear the info about your bigg buds! wicked news man. also, nice to see you got ya head screwed on about releasing personal info!! I like it a lot :D happy growing and happy harvesting.. GW


Well-Known Member
Now that's what I'm talking about. Guys let's quit hating and trying to compare the size of our dicks. Let's just share some killer bud porn and some info on how we got the buds we have. This is an informative forum so let's try and be teachers of quality info and not try to be a dick cause someone has bigger buds than you.


Well-Known Member
I just floors to 12/12 lastnight so I got along way to go befor new pics. But the plants in veg for the next grow are already 5-8 inches and 8-9 weeks more to veg. That might be my last grow for awhile so I desided to go big or go home. Already topped twice and going to keep doing it so I got a large even canopy. Looking at 16-20 branches each and 5 foot tall. After that my lights sent enough and not going to buy any more for 1 grow.