Budding in veg

Worth keeping plants that bud in veg?

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Active Member
Help! I just got these animal cookie and banana OG clones. They are only 5" tall and already have buds! :( When I got them a week ago and transplanted them into 4" cubes the roots were overgrown already and showing brown on the tips. Pic included below. They seem to be already budding and are only 4" tall. They are on 24/0. What should I do? I only want to grow them if it is worth it, otherwise will start over. Any help is appreciated! Thank you!



Well-Known Member
perhaps the person you got them off has had them for 4 weeks or so under CFL's and a bit too far away?
Would half explain the reason they've hit maturity at such a small size.


Active Member
perhaps the person you got them off has had them for 4 weeks or so under CFL's and a bit too far away?
Would half explain the reason they've hit maturity at such a small size.
Yes I agree. They seem to have hit maturity much to early. I want them to grow taller first. I don't think it is worth flowering them or attempting to re-veg them if I want a substantial harvest. What do you think? Thank you for your reply!


Active Member
On a closer look I do see two pistils, but thats a good thing.
It is good because its female, but to be expected since they are clones. I'm afraid their growth will be too stunted since they have started flowering at such an early stage. What do you think? Any way to make them re-veg/grow taller at this point? Thank you for your advice!


Active Member
Pre flowers. All of em will get em eventually. Its a girl, keep it.
I thought pre-flowers come at the intersection of the stems and the stalk? This one is on the very top of the plant. Also she's definitely a girl because of clones. I think I got a bad batch that's stunted, don't want to take it full term for some bonsai crop lol. What do u think? Any remedy?


Well-Known Member
It cannot flower any further all the while you have it locked down to 24/7 or even 20/4 or even 18/6.
The only possible explaination if it continues to actually flower and not pre-flower is that it's an autoflowering plant.
In which case it does not need to be flipped into 12/12 light schedules, so even with 24 hours of light if its an auto-flower it will still bud.
I have no experience with the strains you mention so a simple google search will give you the base genetics for that variety, after that it comes down to how the plant has been bred by your supplier genetics blah blah.


Active Member
It's not auto-flower :/ maybe it was cloned off a mom that was budding already? I head that makes them go early. Anyways thank you for your help!


Well-Known Member
Some strains show preflowers all throughout the mature plant life before flowering. A clone is a mature plant, no need to worry, it will veg out just fine or you can flower it now. Plants can be reversed back into veg when they are in full flower and still produce good buds.


Well-Known Member
OK so from what I can tell...
both strains are Indica, specially bred for medicinal purposes I suppose?
If that's the case, they grow ALOT shorter than the sativa variety.
Which if they were either at a large distance from light source and or in small pots, then they would show signs of pre-flower as they are.
If they light isn't penetrating far into the canopy then the pre flowers wont show down bottom just yet.
I think your problem may be the plants are older than you think, so perhaps just keep them vegging and they should do exactly that.