Buddha Purple Kush


Active Member
Anyone grow this or heard anything about it? Just ordered some seeds. Seeing if anyone has anything to say about it.


Active Member
I just ordered Spyder! It was a tough decision between purple kush and spyder. I heard better things about spyder tho. Good luck


New Member
i was in the same boat as you rizzo,but atfer seeing pics of the purple kush auto i went with BOTH!!lol
the purple kush auto is so purple its almost black!very attractive!im using them to breed with my purple widow male thats done september 20th about...so ill have early september purple finishers!
`ill breed the purple kush to spyder as well
ill take all the males i get from the spyder and open pollinate the 2 best fenales from the purple kush auto and ill save some pollen from my best male and knock up the purple widow and a few others


Active Member
Sounds like a plan!! I was contemplating trying to breed some seeds myself. Sticking with the spyder tho. Not crossbreeding anything. If they come soon enough i might try this winter. If all i get is males...how do i save pollen properly??? Never tried to breed on purpose before. I might throw in a cream caramel seed and cross. Maybe....i dont want to waste it since its my last one. Fem by the way. Anyways good luck to you.


New Member
pollen is easy,just cut a branch where the balls are about to open,put the branch in a cup of water with some wax paper underneath and gently shake the pollen out evry few hours once the pods open for 2 days,collect pollen and put in an envelope with some rice and put in the fridge for 12 hours,then just put in a small vile with black tape around it and freeze for up to 10 years


Active Member
Very interesting! The rice is to absorb moisture in the pollen i guess right? the pollen wont stick to the rice? Thanks i will definitely be trying this.


around 50 days. i have two outside that are in 5 gallon buckets and are almost twice as tall. they are alot darker purple and im hoping the fill out like these did.


New Member
do the outdoor plants have whispy buds or do they have some density?do they purple outdoors?i bet the cooler temps really help.what do they smell like?got a smoke report?


my first 3 will get the chop this week end! the two outside are starting to fill out. they are alot more purple and have alot more crystals but got the bugs pretty bad. im thinking a few more weeks and ill dry ice it. ill post some harvest pics this weekend. i've had mine on 24/0 from seed and they've been through hell. including almost 2 hours of no light or fan about a month ago


Active Member
When I get home I'll post a pic of my buddy's purple Kush he grew... He didnt do a very good job lol but it is nice and purple....wasn't very potent eter I think be. Hopped a week or two early which he usualy does lol