Bud or Seeds


Well-Known Member
Plants do not grow bud or seeds as alot of people think...This looks like a male, it will grow pollen sacks and release pollen that will in turn, pollinate a female and force it to produce seeds, without a female, this plant is useless...


Well-Known Member
i thought i had balls waited a little longer and had a female if more start poppin then pull it but wait it out i was happy i did


Well-Known Member
That's a male, sorry. It will NOT grow buds or seeds...just pollen, and if the pollen finds a female then that female will grow seeds in her buds. I would pull it now before it has the opportunity to do so.


Well-Known Member
I mean your new to this so if you'd like to watch a male plant grow......well then have at it my mang! You lookin for a sexy female that throws flowers full of love? Then ya gotta pop some more beans and find yerself a good ole lady to grow. Either way have fun doing what your doing!


Well-Known Member
get rid of it, its a male, the thing I hate of people growing outside and they don't know what there doin, is this, if u let that chill in "hopes" that its a female but its a male, then it could let off pollen, in return your neighbor down the road has his plants going all beautiful FEMALES, that pollen that was released cause u kept waiting to chop a male then pollinates the neighbors crop because wind can make the pollen travel far n wide, and if I was your neighbor and shit happened like that u wouldn't want to see me, its a good way to get enemies ill tell ya that, chop it!