bud mold question


Active Member
I have a few small areas of dry brown mold from catapilar damage in my buds and at least 2 weeks left to go. Is it best to carefully pull out the moldy areas, harvest early or just leave her alone?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
YES!!! Mold is a fungus it spreads, remove all of it immediately.
If you have a lot of damage you can toss it in for cooking resin for hash. The alcohol and scalding water will purify the resin. Throw the chap away after you've extracted the resin. Use the resin to bind your hash(grind up eye leaves and stringy bud into powder). You can toss fan leaves in and stock for extracting binder for hash as well.


Active Member
bud rot can spread within 8 hours and infect an entire plant i would remove it immidiatly and those caterpillers that you find are whats causing it they are in the stems generally and they work there way out its nasty shit remove it and i personally wouldn't use it for anything bc its just so gross i had that problem this year i had to harvest 2 weeks early because of it didn't want to risk the whole plant getting ruined shake your plant when its wet to reduce water and try to keep it dry if u do grow it out good luck! :joint:


Active Member
Battle mold and Caterpillers outdoors all the time. So far, in other plants the mold has remained localized to the areas of caterpilar poop. It involves way less than 5% of the bud and is dry soft brown. Has not become systemic in the past. I am worried about these 2 plants because of finishing them later than usual meaning cooler temps and higher humidity.

The plants have been treated with Spinosad every other week for caterpilars. Without that all my outdoor plants would be total messes.

If the mold progressed even a little they will have to be harvested early. At worst will end up with bubble and butter instead of bud.

Thanks all for your input. Keep your fingers crossed for my plants.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Just one more note: Years ago I had problems with wildlife. I went to see my buddy Malcrum about this problem. He told me to wrap a few strands of human hair around the base of the plants and other places on the stalk. I have really long hair so this was not a problem. Oddly I never had any more critter problems. I can't say that this was the reason for my plants being left alone by critters but others that were growing(and still are) in the same region still to this day have the same horrible problems I did before I went to talk to Malcrum. Malcrum uses old wringer wash machines to grow his pot in. I also spread poison for ants around my plants but far enough away it wouldn't effect the plants. I got the ant poison from a local greenhouse nursery.