Bubble Hash drying


Well-Known Member
I've read about making Bubble Hash and I understand most of it. I'm not clear on what the best method is to dry it after you have collected it and put it on the pressing screen. They talk about pressing it to remove some of the moisture but some say to be very careful with this to avoid damaging trichomes. They also say you shouldn't dry it on the pressing screen.

From what I've read I'm thinking I should press it very gently on the pressing screen and then drop it on some cardboard to let it sit until most of the moisture evaporates. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
i usually dump mine on a dinner plate and let it dry on ther.... cardboard may not be the best choice as it will suck up the water which is a good thing but when you go to scrape it up the cardboard may come with it.. on a plate you can just scrape it up with a razor blade and work it into a ball or block or whatever shape you want


Well-Known Member
It's fine I've dried it on cardboard before and there have been no problems. It doesn't stick to anything. Plus the cardboard doesn't "absorb" the trichomes