Browning/imperfections of leaf colouration = fact of life?


Active Member
Is it just a fact of life that MJ plants will develop a couple of brown leaves, curling, discolouration etc? I know they are down to certain factors, but do most growers just put up with this happening? I've tried to look after my plants as best as possible, provide them with enough light, just enough water, a small amount of nutes etc and still I get the odd leaf go brown at the tip or a leaf will show discolouration.

My plants both look very healthy (on the whole!) but have the odd dodgy looking leaf but they seem pretty isolated.

Is this just something every grower puts up with?



Well-Known Member hit the nail on the head :hump: Over reactions to normal slight discolorations and they ruin the whole plant.


Well-Known Member
Yup i think it's a fact of life if one or two leaves is discolored. Who knows why the plant is choosing a different nutrient over another or not using enough when conditions are optimal and your doing everything correct.


Well-Known Member
ya u certainly do see alot of threads sayn 'oh no wuts wrong' and it a 3week old seedling loosing its first set. i personally let those leaves wither till they drop on there own. i could go find a plant right now with some old dead leaves hanging. i just leave em till they fall.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it.

These are tough plants (they are weeds afterall!) and withering leaves are normal IMO.

Hell i even had mutated, spotty leaves during my last grow and the plant turned out and smoked better than the normal looking ones:
