brown leaves, spreading fast!


Active Member
hey guys, about 6 weeks ago i cloned 3 plants.

It took a few weeks and then i started noticing some growth, all was fine.

after 1 month of having them, the leaves started to brown from the center. IT started on the bottom leaves and started to spread pretty quick and its neer the top now and the plants pretty much stalled in the growing process since the 1 month point. I dont think I am watering too much, once every week maybe, the soil is always moist never dry so its not underwatered... I havnt given any nutrients to the soil.

I just took 3 pics of leaves... they are not the clearest but you can still see. If you have any questions let me know, Id like to save these plants...



Well-Known Member
You need to add some nutes. I believe you are suffering from a nute deficiency (probably N, P, and K). Don't over fertilize your plants though... If they're not very old I'd say use 1/4 strength and see where that gets you and go from there. Good luck.



Well-Known Member
By the way... I think the browning leaves is more than likely from a potassium deficiency.. Just to narrow down the brown leave problem for you a bit more.. But you need the essentials also (NPK)...


Active Member
By the way... I think the browning leaves is more than likely from a potassium deficiency.. Just to narrow down the brown leave problem for you a bit more.. But you need the essentials also (NPK)...

ahhh I will try that thank you, It is just that I know a lot of people that grew plants indoors without ever giving them anything and i have grown plants indoors before without giving them nutes and they grew fine. All i got on me is miracle grow 24-8-16. I put some 2 days ago and saw a little growth spree.


Active Member
ahhh I will try that thank you, It is just that I know a lot of people that grew plants indoors without ever giving them anything and i have grown plants indoors before without giving them nutes and they grew fine. All i got on me is miracle grow 24-8-16. I put some 2 days ago and saw a little growth spree.
Might as well throw them away dont want to smoke the chemicals in miracle grow..go to ur local hydro shop and pick up something like 10-5-15 to make up for some lost veg time.


Well-Known Member
Might as well throw them away dont want to smoke the chemicals in miracle grow..go to ur local hydro shop and pick up something like 10-5-15 to make up for some lost veg time.

hes not gonna be smoking the chemicals in the miracle grow why does everyone think this ? that would be like saying just because u used horse shit as a nute that ur weed is gonna taste like horse shit theres no evidence behind your claim ive seen plenty of people use miracle grow with decent results as long as u dont over do it


Active Member
hes not gonna be smoking the chemicals in the miracle grow why does everyone think this ? that would be like saying just because u used horse shit as a nute that ur weed is gonna taste like horse shit theres no evidence behind your claim ive seen plenty of people use miracle grow with decent results as long as u dont over do it
urea nitrogen is not normal in does not flush well and cause a ton of issues...unless you know your plants well and understand the time release on it ur smoke is gonna be shitty and harsh if you can even make it to the end without burning it


Active Member
and you wonder why people have cancer..urea nitrogen is not normal in does not flush well and cause a ton of issues...unless you know your plants well and understand the time realise on it ur smoke is gonna be shitty and harsh if you can even make it to the end without burning it
we've been using miracle grow for a long time now but usually only when the plants were outdoor. Never in my life have I killed or burned a plant with miracle grow.

I've been reading up today and there's a lot of people who say its fine and some say its bad.. isn't it like most other fertilizers? it has the NPK like the others and trace elements of the other stuff the plants needs..