Bronzed Leaves, Excessive Drooping


We're about two weeks into flowering and the girls were doing just fine until a few days ago. Leaves are beginning to droop a bit more drastically than I'm used to seeing and the interveinal areas are getting a bronzed over look. It starts in splotches from the inside of the leaf moving towards the edges as the days go on. It's occurring primarily on the upper branches but is beginning to happen on the more mature foliage as well. Soil pH is around 6.8-7. Temperature is at a steady 70 F but humidity is low. I don't have the means to increase humidity at this time.

The buds appear fine and are growing steadily. We're on a 12/12 light cycle without any interruptions. An inspection of all the leaves shows an absence of webbing so I don't think it's spider mites. Could this be a simple salt lockup or is this a specific deficiency problem?

