Broken Stem, Any Advice Much Appreciated

I am Reparing the stem on a vegging plant that I broke :( 2/3 up the main stalk during what turned out to be HST (high stress training). It broke all the way through the endoderm and protozylem, leaving about a third of everything between the xylem and the epidermis intact. I patched it with duct tape, and supported it with a pipe cleaner crutch. I blasted it with a foliar spray of superthrive, kelp and a few other hormones to speed growth and fight stress. Aside from cutting it down and trying to root it, does anyone have any suggestions on nutes to feed, how often to foliar water, Whether to pin the stem, reduce the light, ect. I have had 50/50 success with fixing clones, but clones don't need nutrients, and this plant is a quarter inch thick. Any help on saving it would be much appreciated.