Broken roots


Active Member
Hello I have a couple of plants that are not growing very fast plant looks pretty healthy but it's not growingmuch In see new leaves and stems popping but no vert. growth one strain is suppose to be pretty stretchy(lemon cake0 and the other is suppose to bush (PK) What really worries me is that the leaves are kind of droopy clawlike I've been looking at the plant deficiency charts and I don't really see evidence of a nute def. coupled with the fact that they had recently been repotted in fox farms and the guy at the grow store said fox farms was pretty hot medium so no nutes would be required for a while??? Also when repotting I broke a few roots the root ball was still in tact but just some of the longer water roots came off I sure it will cause a little stress but hope fully nothing major. But why ain't these giurls shooting up? Could it be my lighting set up kind of bootleg I should have a hps in another week or so right now I have them under 8 23watt cfl they say that each buld is equal to 100w. And also using tap water. HELP!


Well-Known Member
using cfls keep the plants short & the internodes tight in generally if using them correctly & closely to the plants, that is a benefit so I would not be alarmed that u r not experiencing much vertical growth yet. drooping leaves could be from many things & if u r new to growing my guess would be overwatering. do u know how to guage when the plants really should be watered by pot lifting? the roots, shouldn't be a problem & will cause no more stress then the actual replant itself; it should bounce back in a few days. tap water in general is beneficial because it contains alot of the secondary nutrients the plants need. only if u have extremely high ph water, should u then opt for bottled water, or be prepared to use something like ph down to correct it before watering. finally, when seeking advice/opinions it is always best to provide pictures & along with as much info as u can about ur growing conditions :)