broken plant

captain toke

Active Member
What's up every one.about a month ago a light fell on one of my plants and broke it above the second or third node,so I stood it back up put a splint on it and it survived but now its growing very slow the main stalk is as fat as a pencil and its soft/squishy feeling.I think the top got injured and is stunting growlth I think if I top it it may come out of it but I'm not sure. Any info would help.I should have just left. It bent/broke to super crop it


I did the same thing to my pineapple chunk...I topped and she now has 3 really good colas. Certainly not what she should be by far...but doing way better since the ya I would.goodluck with it.

captain toke

Active Member
What's up. Everyone this is an update for my small tramatized plant today I decided to cut all the big fan leaves off so now it looks like a cola kind of I'm going to keep vegging to see what happens,I will say after I toped it,it had a growth spurt that's why I cut all old fan leaves off so it can have a fresh start.I should make a journal for this


Well-Known Member
I don't get why you cut the fan leaves off , those would have helped it grow quicker
think of them as the "power plants", they capture light and send energy to where it's needed.
if you really wanted you could pinch a few bottom nodes off, so that the plant focuses more auxins on the top nodes, but either way you never should take the plants fan leaves off when they aren't damaged

captain toke

Active Member
I know you shouldn't cut off all the main fan leaves but they were tough and crispy.also each branch that grows will make new fan leaves.

This plant is only a test because my friend was going to trash it so I'm giving it a chance to live.see how it reacts with different problems so far its been taking a beating lol


Well-Known Member
The fan leaves were the main ones just like you mentioned and it will take some time for leaves to replace them to grow back but hope your plant gets another chance to live... btw what lights are you using and what spectrum?

captain toke

Active Member
I'm using cfl's it has a mix spectrum of both types of bulbs I also have an 18 inch aquarium plant light with both red and blue spectrum I also put them in the sun. I don't have any of my old hps lights any more wish I did.