breeders harvest estimate? how accurate?


Well-Known Member
hello everyone at RIU,

i'm growing sensi skunk from sensiseeds and today is the 45th day of flowering, in the box that come with the seeds there was a paper with some info on the strain like size, yield, etc and a estimate on how long does it take to fully mature (when it will be ripen), in my case it says 45-50 days

so question 1: how accurate are this estimates?

because I don't see alot of milky trichomes (20% milky 80% clear) and the pistils are in majority white, i also did read in some threads that usually, most of growers, never harvest at 45 - 50 days always let them flower a bit more till day 60 or so.

I know that i need to stick to the color of trichomes, the pistils and basically the general looks of the bud, but should i consider their info for harvest ?
should i start the flush now! so i can harvest in 10 days? or should i wait and keep feeding them nutes?


this is how they look 3 days ago :)

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
id say wait till day 60 if you dont mind. the breeder info on my strain says 50 days too but they usually take a little longer to be really ready.


Well-Known Member
I say you start flushing in the next couple of days cuz the trich will change quick, next thing you know its all milky, so you should start flushing for 2 weeks and by the time your done with flushing your trichs will be 20 % amber.


Well-Known Member
thanks bitti & zonked

i started yesterday with the flush, hopping that i can harvest in 2 weeks (around august 10) it will be day 60

cant wait :) i just want to try it i'm so curious, has been some long months of hard work

but thanks again evryone


Well-Known Member
Well first off, the breeders numbers for flowering time and yield are based on the best possible conditions (1000w hps, top quality nutes, great ventilation, co2 etc.) so chances are unless you've got a serious pro setup you'll harvest less bud later. (not trying to bum you out, just tellin' it like it is.) It does look like theres 2-3 weeks left on that bud.
Secondly, Nice nugs!!! Looks like you're gonna be in for a treat. Just remember not to rush anything, if you absolutly have to try it early i recommmend quick drying just a little bit in between some paper towels in the microwave, doing 15second bursts on about half power until it sweats good, then leave it out on the table for a couple hours and it will be smokeable (not very tasty though, gotta cure, cure, cure)
anyhow, good luck and happy harvest!