Brand spanking and new and confused!


So i' am probably at the week and a half. I have lower brown leafs. Is this due to too much sun or too much watering. I will be honest. I probably do need to check the pH levels of the soild but I used half vermiculite and half native soil.

Any suggestions welcome.


Well-Known Member
Those bottom two leaves are not leaves. Dont know the correct name for them but they are part of the internal seed caseing, sort of. These turn brown then fall off as the plant matures.


Well-Known Member
it dosnt look good, not for a week and a half, they looks like seedlings still. you didnt use nutrients yet did you? could be PH but ive never seen growth like that. it dosnt look normal, i think you should feed these water when the soil is dry, but start a few seeds cuz this dont look good


lol so i 'am doomed! No no nutes quite yet was waiting till the end of this month at the earliest. I do live in a rather good climate for this wonderful plant. I do have a neighbor with a beautiufl garden full of veggies so I know the soild as to be somewhat decent. She does not use any nutes on her just sunlight and water.


Well-Known Member
Just don't water too much and she may pick up. Not rearlly anything you can do when they are this young.


Well-Known Member
Those bottom two leaves are not leaves. Dont know the correct name for them but they are part of the internal seed caseing, sort of. These turn brown then fall off as the plant matures.
they shouldnt be withering up untill the plant has enough leafs to produce chlorophyll


Well-Known Member
i feel you on that man

im trying to figure out why this plant looks so funky, i cant figure it out, good luck man, id start a new seed atleast


Well-Known Member
they shouldnt be withering up untill the plant has enough leafs to produce chlorophyll
I will keep that in mind, been using clones for a while now so not seen a seed crack for a while.

I think your first guess would be about right. I would put my money on a PH problem at this stage as it dont need nutes and you say your soil is good.
What and how much light is it getting?


I will keep that in mind, been using clones for a while now so not seen a seed crack for a while.

I think your first guess would be about right. I would put my money on a PH problem at this stage as it dont need nutes and you say your soil is good.
What and how much light is it getting?

It probably gets like 11hrs of sun. I have no idea what the strain is. I picked it out of my weed I bought from the man.


Well-Known Member
by ading water and draining and adding more water. what are you flushing if you havent used any nutes?

o and never buy weed from THE MAN, i hate THE MAN

buy some PH test strips and test your water and soil run off ........

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Well-Known Member
It probably gets like 11hrs of sun. I have no idea what the strain is. I picked it out of my weed I bought from the man.
Sunlight is good but only 11 hours of light, not good. You rearlly need to be giving a plant this age at least 18 hours of light. I would have under light 24/0 at the moment. Everyone like different timings but this is how I like to do it.
Seedling/cutting 24/0
Young plant in veg 18/6
Flowering 12/12

I know some growers do grow from seed at 12/12 but I have no experience with that and I beleive, not sure about this, some autoflower strains are grown at 12/12 their whole life.


Sunlight is good but only 11 hours of light, not good. You rearlly need to be giving a plant this age at least 18 hours of light. I would have under light 24/0 at the moment. Everyone like different timings but this is how I like to do it.
Seedling/cutting 24/0
Young plant in veg 18/6
Flowering 12/12

I know some growers do grow from seed at 12/12 but I have no experience with that and I beleive, not sure about this, some autoflower strains are grown at 12/12 their whole life.
it is outdoors it will be very hard to do 24hr lighting


Well-Known Member
it is outdoors it will be very hard to do 24hr lighting
Seems like you have planted outdoors at the wrong time of year. I would bring it indoors under some grow lights if you want it to grow. Maybe an outdoor grower can help more, im afraid I only grow indoors where I can control the light.


Well I have done some research I entered late in the season but I can still grow.I'am thinking of doing a couple indoor plants but I dont have a vast amount of room probaly 5x3 and maybe 8ft tall area closet.


Well-Known Member
thats a nice size area, could get 6 plants in there no problem maybe more. Will depend on how long you veg the plants for.