Branch and internodal bud trimming?


Well-Known Member
So my plants are in bloom about week 4.

I always get rid of the smaller "branches" towards the bottom of the plant a couple weeks into bloom once I can see their lack of potential, but this time I took it a step further..

I've actually gone ahead and removed roughly the bottom half of each high-potential branch's small secondary branches and budsites, including the small buds that sit in the internodes of leafs, leaving only the very top single-cola budsite on each large branch.

I'm hoping this will focus more energy into the large colas, but I couldn't help but feel like I was overdoing it by removing the tiny internodal budsites prior to the top.

This wont hurt the plants potential will it?
Usually I just leave the tiny internodal crap along the branch (the single-bud nodes between leaf sites), but this time I took a razor and removed them. I figure they're worthless anyway and maybe more energy will go to the top cola.

Am I correct or should I have just left them?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
It would make for cola development more likely had you done this technique during mid veg to get all the nutes to the main tops instead of waiting until the little pieces you removed had already grown out, like hydroharley says probably wont effect it much now since youre 1/2 way or more into flower now, but it could possibly make your buds a bit more dense if you flush and end right since all the nutes are going there now, certainly didnt lose out i doubt if anything just some better airflow under the canopy,GOOD LUCK!!!! hydro works well for what you wanna accomplish!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input guys..
I'm interested in hearing what others think?

How far into bloom is it worth cutting the small stuff off, and still have a positive impact on overall weight?

I know the earlier the better, but sometimes you just really can't tell what kind of weight a branch or node will put on until it starts flowering..

Obviously if you're a week away from harvest, you're only going to lose weight by trimming, but there's gotta be a certain point during flower when the trimming will go from doing positive things to doing negative things, and I'm curious when that point is.. I'm guessing about half way thru flower it will still do good things, but any later than that and there's not enough time for the plant to make up for the weight you've removed..

What do you all think?