Brain cells, liver, you don't stand a chance.


Well-Known Member
is that jar full of bud or stems and leaves? and why did you switch from mt. dew to sprite? and finally have you finished that extra bottle of everclear yet? if not finish it, tonight.


Well-Known Member
AND WHY IS THAT BUD REMAINING UNSMOKED? tcg, you have quite a to do list growing (no pun intended)


Well-Known Member
OK...the Mt. Dew is yesterday's jam...
There's what's left of the 190 proof Everclear.
There's what's left of the Yukon Floor Mat bud.
I plan on killing them both just to watch them die tonight.



Well-Known Member
high caffeine content, high alcohol content, high thc content. you've got the hat trick going. just add a lot of capsaicin and you'll be set for the night.


Well-Known Member
Let us know how that Green Dragon is:hug:

Looks like you have ALOT of bud inside the jar.
I think your alcohol might not absorb all that THC..You might have to put it in a bigger jar...or dry out the bud and smoke it:-P...kidding


Well-Known Member
That setup's ridiculous
Are you doing this alone?
And, I wanna smoke some of that 'erb.
I can't wait until I grow up and can grow. Weee.