Bowling Without A Lighter ;]


Active Member
So i got this beautiful friday morning and don't got shit to do alllll day.

But my lighter ran out after the first hit, so i pulled out my trusty magnifying glass cuz i was checkin the trichs on my baby, fantastic! And i smoked two bowls with a magnifying glass and the rising sun.

is this like vaporizing?
because it's just heating up the weed, but then again when i smoked it this way, it burn the buds straight up..



Well-Known Member
i think that can be considered vaporizing
also i hear its a much better smoke and much better for you considering you aren't inhaling butane and such, you're just inhaling thc


Well-Known Member
when having an emergency you can always trust your magnifying glass, not daves tho...that dudes magnifying glass is a crack head


Active Member
hahaha hell yeah, i liked it a lot better then lighter, gonna have to hit that up with the bong next time :D


Active Member
it's kinda dangerous tho haha
I found myself burning many things around with the magnifying glass while i was high hahaha


Well-Known Member
Solar Puffing... That's what my dad called it when he taught it too me. He picked it up in the 60's.

But anyways... I posted a thread about it a week ago.

But everyones to high to remember what happened a week ago..


how do you smoke without a lighter at night? use the light of the moon? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey, its amazing how smart a stoner can be when in need of a bong, lighter, pipe, or any of it, we become fricken engineers and scientists, imagine, some of you probably can't use a screwdriver, but if u need a bong u can make it with tape, a few platic cups and a bottle....i wonder if the cave men created fire for the sake of lighting up a spliff...


Well-Known Member
thats how the fire was created..

the cavemen were standing around there bud going like "AHHH me must smoke!"


Active Member
if had a fresh harvest of og kush infront of me and fire wasn't invented, fuck yeah i'd invent that shit hella fast!

at night you steal all the clf's from yur grow room and make a fakey sun ;]